Australia vs Canada: 7 key aspects to consider when choosing the ideal country

Australia vs Canada: 7 key aspects to consider when choosing the ideal country

Gabriel Belandria
Gabriel Belandria

Many travelers who wish to study abroad are still deciding which destination to choose between Australia vs Canada. Although these countries are thousands of miles apart, excellent living conditions characterize them. Also by attractive study opportunities and high-paying jobs.

Oh, and don’t forget that both countries have an irresistible leisure offer.

Australia vs Canada may differ in some areas, but both offer exciting options. On the one hand, Australia is synonymous with beaches, surfing, barbecues with friends, and nature adventures.

On the other hand, Canada offers interesting cultural activities, extreme sports in the mountains, and breathtaking natural parks!

All in all, it is difficult to choose between Australia vs Canada; at least, it will be until you read this article. Here, we will discuss the differences and similarities between Australia vs Canada. We’ll delve into academic and job opportunities, climate, cost of living, and travel requirements.

Thus, you will know which one to choose.

Thinking about studying and working abroad? Let's dive into your options!

*The figures in this article are for reference only and are subject to change.

Australia vs Canada: which is the best destination for an international student?

Study opportunities

Let’s start by talking about study opportunities in Australia vs Canada.

If you plan to study in Australia, you can take English or vocational courses in colleges and universities.

There, you will learn about business administration, computer science, graphic design, and early childhood education. Also about hospitality, fashion, programming, tourism, and more. You have many interesting options to choose from.

These are schools in Australia that we recommend to our students:

  • ILSC in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, and Sydney for English courses.
  • Navitas English in Perth and Sydney for English courses.
  • Shafston in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast for English courses.
  • Greystone College in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, and in Sydney for vocational training courses.
  • Torrens University in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, and in Sydney for vocational training courses.

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Now, if you choose to study in Canada, you can take courses in English and also in French.

This is because Maple country is bilingual. As for career options, there are programs to learn management, video game animation, and computer science. Also, fashion design, early childhood education, hospitality, marketing, sales…

These are schools in Canada that we recommend to our students:

  • ILAC in Toronto and Vancouver for English courses.
  • ILSC in Montreal, Vancouver, and Toronto for English courses.
  • Greystone College in Montreal, Vancouver, and Toronto for vocational training courses.
  • LaSalle College in Montreal for vocational training courses.
  • Trebas Institute in Montreal and Toronto for professional training courses.

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Job Opportunities

If we talk about work, there are small differences between Australia vs Canada.

On the one hand, you can work in Australia as a student for up to 24 hours per week during term time (while in classes). And work full-time during vacations.

Generally, students earn the Australian minimum wage, i.e. 24.10 AUD* per hour (15.36 USD*), although there are jobs that pay more.

These are very common jobs for students in Australia:

  • Assistant in removals (removalist).
  • Barista.
  • Bartender.
  • Waiter (waitress).
  • Cleaner.

Also, you can study and work in Canada! However, only 24 hours per week during the school period and full time during vacations. And only if you take vocational or university-level courses. Those who study languages are NOT eligible to work.

On average, you can earn 17.30 CAD* per hour (12.66 USD*).

These are jobs for students in Canada that you can search for:

  • Construction assistant.
  • Barista.
  • Waiter (waitress).
  • Nanny.
  • Dog walker.

Cost of living

Regarding the cost of living, there is also no considerable difference between Australia vs. Canada.

As for the cost of living in Australia, you will spend between 160 and 630 AUD* per week (100 and 420 USD*). That will be on food and housing depending on the city you move to, the accommodation you choose to live in, eating habits…

To put it better, take a look at these figures:

  • Meals: from 60 to 130 AUD* per week (40 and 90 USD*).
  • Shared accommodation: from 100 to 350 AUD* per week (70 and 230 USD*).
  • Private accommodation: from 185 to 500 AUD* per week (120 and 330 USD*).

For food and accommodation in the maple country, you will need about 210 to 700 CAD* per week (150 to 500 USD*). Compared to Australia, the cost of living in Canada is a little higher, since the price of accommodation is higher.

These figures are divided in this way:

  • Meals: from 60 to 100 CAD* per week (45 and 75 USD*).
  • Shared accommodation: from 150 to 250 CAD* per week (100 and 190 USD*).
  • Private accommodation: from 200 to 600 CAD* per week (150 and 450 USD*).


There is nothing that differentiates Australia vs. Canada like the weather!

The Aussie country is very extensive, so the climate of Australia is variable. There are areas of the country where it is semi-arid and others where it is temperate or tropical.

As for the average temperature throughout the year, the summer (December to February) registers 30 to 40 °C. While in winter (June to August) 18 to 24 °C more or less.

In comparison, Canada’s climate is continental. It has very hot and humid summers like in Australia. However, there are others where the cold is super extreme and snow falls by the bucketload.

During the summer (June to August) the temperature reaches 30 °C. And it gets to -10 °C (sometimes less) in winter (December to February).


Something else that differentiates Australia vs. Canada is the language. In Canada, both English and French are spoken. In Quebec, French is predominant. There are even many schools offering courses in this language.

Culture and lifestyle

Is the culture of Australia vs. Canada very different? Not really, not that much.

When talking about the culture of Australia, art, literature, and cuisine have very strong British influences. This considering this country was one of the colonies of the United Kingdom long ago.

However, there is representation of Aboriginal peoples in some cultural elements.

On the other hand, there are Aboriginal, British, and French influences in Canada’s culture as well. The most curious thing is that the arrival of immigrants from Asia and the Caribbean has had a great impact on gastronomy and some social customs.

Thus making this a diverse and very multicultural destination.

What is different is the character of their people. Aussies are generally warm, relaxed, and friendly. While Canadians may seem more reserved at first, but are equally friendly once you get to know them.

Many Canadians are more distant, they may seem cold or somewhat unfriendly, but nothing could be further from the truth. When you get to know them better, you realize that they are really friendly people. You just have to give them time and respect their space so they don’t feel invaded.

Travel requirements

Now that you know the differences between Australia vs Canada, let’s talk about requirements.

To begin with, it is possible to study in any of these countries with a tourist visa. The main difference is that the tourist permit for Australia authorizes you to take courses for up to 3 months, while with a Canadian one, you can study for up to 6 months.

Of course, you are not allowed to work in either case, it is illegal!

In case you wish to travel to Australia for a longer period and combine your studies with work, you must apply for a student visa for Australia. With this permit, you can take English, vocational, or university courses for more than 3 months, and work 24 hours a week.

To apply for it, you will need:

  • Valid passport.
  • Letter of acceptance issued by an accredited school (CoE).
  • Bank statements (your own or a sponsor’s) to prove you have the means to pay for your stay in Australia.
  • Proof of international student health insurance (OSHC).
  • Answers to the Genuine Student (GS) requirement; you must answer them when you are applying for your visa online.

To travel to the Great White North, you must apply for a student visa to Canada. As in the previous case, you will be able to take English or French courses. Or also programs to specialize in a profession of your interest. But they must last more than 6 months. So you will be able to work 24 hours per week.

These are the visa requirements:

  • Valid passport.
  • Letter of acceptance to study in a province. This is if you want to do English language courses, vocational training programs, or bachelor’s degrees.
  • Letter of acceptance issued by an accredited school.
  • Bank statements (your own or a sponsor’s) to prove you have the means to pay for your stay in Canada.
  • Letter explaining why you want to study in Canada.

Did you know… you can study in Australia or Canada with GrowPro experiences!

Despite certain differences between Australia vs. Canada, it all boils down to the fact that both countries are ideal destinations to study. They boast a great quality of life!

The good news is that whether you want to emigrate to Oceania or North America, the GrowPro team can help you plan your trip at no extra cost.

Based on your interests, your academic and professional goals, and your budget, we will advise you to choose the ideal city, school, and course.

Once you are clear about what you want to study and where we will advise you with your visa application.

If you want more information, fill in the form below with your details. In a couple of days, we will contact you to clarify any doubts you may have about the destination you want to travel to and to talk about schools, courses, prices, and requirements.

Take the first step to live an international experience!

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About the author

Gabriel Belandria
Gabriel Belandria

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