Study Tourism Abroad: discover Top Destinations, Transform your Future Career!

Study Tourism Abroad: discover Top Destinations, Transform your Future Career!

Gabriel Belandria
Gabriel Belandria

Studying abroad is a great experience that lets you know a different country. You can learn about a new culture, and make friends worldwide. Such a trip is like extended sightseeing. So, have you ever thought about what it would be like to study tourism abroad?

Yes, it sounds like simple words. But, if you think about it briefly, it’s a great idea. Tourism is an excellent, well-paid, and multidisciplinary profession.

So, in this article, we will tell you the main reasons to study tourism abroad. Also, the best countries to study it. And, finally, we will show you some options for job opportunities. The best is yet to come!

Thinking about studying and working abroad? Let's dive into your options!

Reasons for studying a tourism course in another country

Let’s start by clarifying that tourism is different from hotel management. The first is a more complete career. So, in the long run, it has greater professional projection. Think of it this way, you can find jobs in many other places besides hotels.

Training in this career is already a great idea. However, when you study tourism abroad a different panorama opens up. Not only do you receive quality academic instruction, but you also become familiar with different cultures, countries, and even cuisines.

Consequently, this experience makes you a highly qualified professional.

Finally, the experience of studying tourism abroad is invaluable. Since studying in another country is an adventure in itself, it makes anyone grow personally and professionally!

Hey, take a look at these academic experiences GrowPro has for you! Choose one, fill the form and start planning your trip abroad.

Best destinations to study tourism abroad

Studying abroad is indeed amazing. But, as in everything, there are better places to study tourism than others. So let’s talk about which are the best countries to study tourism.



One of the most popular countries to study tourism is Australia.

This country is very famous for its beaches and huge waves for surfing. Within Australia, the Gold Coast is undoubtedly the ideal destination to take a tourism course. All in all, it is one of the main tourist cities in the country.

Think about it… you can intersperse your school days with surfing mornings and barbecue afternoons!



In this mini top, we can’t leave out Canada.

This is a country so large that it is home to natural wonders that attract thousands of tourists every year. Especially, winter sports enthusiasts who schedule their visit to Whistler Blackcomb. Undoubtedly, the most important ski and snowboard resort in the American continent.

In addition to Whistler, major Canadian cities such as Toronto and Vancouver are home to excellent schools for studying tourism. Still, smaller cities with excellent schools, such as Montreal, are not far behind.

New Zealand


Finally, we close this mini-top with one of the most important destinations to study tourism abroad.

New Zealand is one of the best countries to study tourism in the world. Without a doubt, its top-quality educational institutions offer unmatched career training.

New Zealand, with its rich Maori heritage, stunning landscapes, and famous film sites, is a top-tier tourist destination. It is only natural that it is one of the best destinations to study tourism abroad.


What skills do you learn in the course and how long does it take?

As already mentioned, specialization in tourism is interdisciplinary. But, what exactly are the skills and knowledge involved?

Firstly, a tourism professional must know about local and global economics. In addition, this professional must know deeply about logistics, geography, history, and sociology.

Secondly come societal analysis, business management skills, and even marketing.

As you can see, it is not a career to take lightly. This makes sense if you take into account that 1 out of every 10 jobs in the world is generated by tourism.

So you must dedicate a lot of time to the study of this activity. A career in tourism has an average duration of 4 years. However, there are some courses and technical careers in tourism of 2 years or less.

Job market opportunities for a tourism professional

Now, let’s talk about the job field for tourism professionals. If you think you can only work in travel agencies, you’re mistaken.

For example, a tourism professional can work in museums, hotels, and tourist agencies. Also, consider theme parks and educational institutions. And even in their own tourism ventures.

Additionally, there are numerous job opportunities in public and governmental institutions.

Keep in mind that a tourism professional can:

  • Organize and manage companies related to tourism activities.
  • Establish tourist events and tours
  • Develop quality and conservation standards for tourism resources.
  • Plan and manage tourism activities
  • Design business plans for companies
  • Analyze the various tourism markets
  • Coordinate activities and circuits related to tourism
  • Research on tourism supply and demand
  • Develop products related to the area of competence

Learn about our tourism programs and study with GrowPro!

Ready to study tourism abroad? Perfect! You are making a great decision. Now, you just need to decide where you would like to study.

At GrowPro, we have a wide range of experiences in Canada, Australia, Malta, and New Zealand to study tourism.

All you have to do is choose the experience you like the most. Then, fill out a form. In a very short time, one of our Student Advisors will contact you.

Our Advisor will answer all your questions. We will help you with budgeting, visas, paperwork, and everything you need for your trip. We will help you with everything, you just focus on living the experience!

What are you waiting for? Fill out this form now. Take the first step to the experience that will change your life forever!

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About the author

Gabriel Belandria
Gabriel Belandria

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