Genuine Student: Discover the New GST Requirement for Studying in Australia

Genuine Student: Discover the New GST Requirement for Studying in Australia

Tatiana Forero Rubiano
Tatiana Forero Rubiano

Planning to study in Australia? Be aware of the recent changes to the student visa. Starting March 23, 2024, you’ll need to meet a new requirement called the Genuine Student requirement (GST) for visa approval.

In summary, the Genuine Student requirement (GST) shows immigration agents that your travel intentions are genuine. This means your main goal is to study in Australia, not just to work.

Below, we share with you the rest of the information about the changes in the Australian student visa! Scroll down to find out what the Genuine Student requirement (GST) is. Also, what does this new requirement consist of, and what you can do to get your visa approved without any problems.

What is the new Genuine Student (GST)?

The Genuine Student requirement (GST) is, all in all, the replacement for the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE). This letter informed the migration officer processing your student visa application about you and your intentions to study in Australia. It was a crucial requirement, so far!

Now, with the Genuine Student requirement (GST), the Government seeks to identify international students who genuinely intend to study in Australia. In the past, many travelers misused their study visas to enter the country and solely engaged in work during their stay, which is illegal.

Additionally, the government wants to ensure quality education for international students. In the Aussie country, some schools seek to attract people with the promise that a student visa is their ticket to the job market. Therefore, they do not offer an apprenticeship that meets educational standards.

How to meet the Genuine Student requirement?

The Genuine Student requirement (GST) is easy. It consists of a test or form of 4 questions that you must answer when applying for a student visa for Australia online. The objective is that the migration agent can determine if you have genuine intentions. For that reason, so you must give information about:

  • Family, work, and economic situation.
  • Reasons why you chose your course and Australia as a study destination.
  • Benefits that you will obtain after completing your course.
  • Details of your academic record in Australia if you studied in the country before.
  • Other relevant information to give more weight to your application.

Remember that you must prove to the immigration officer that you intend to study in Australia. Therefore, you must answer the 4 questions clearly and honestly. Because if the Government finds inconsistencies, they will not approve your Australian visa application!

Do you need advice? Don’t worry, we’ll help you. Select your favorite experience here and fill out a form with your information. A Student Advisor will contact you shortly.

When does the Genuine Student requirement (GST) take effect?

International students applying for their Australian student visa from March 23, 2024, onwards must respond to the Genuine Student requirement (GST) questions upon starting the application.

If you start before that date, they can submit the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) without problems.

How can you prove that your intentions to study in Australia are genuine?

To prove your genuine intentions to study in Australia, honesty in answering the Genuine Student requirement (GST) questions is essential. Ensure that the information you provide aligns with the details on your submitted documents. This alignment helps to avoid inconsistencies.

One more thing you should do is to enroll in quality schools. From GrowPro, we help you find an academy to study English. Or also a professional-level course that suits your goals and meets the Government’s educational standards.

Finally, you must meet certain criteria for your study visa to be approved:

  • Proof that you have the necessary economic funds to cover your expenses in Australia: food, transport, housing, leisure activities…
  • Prove that you have a reason to return to your country; if the immigration officer suspects that you intend to stay indefinitely, he or she may not approve your application.
  • Have a clean criminal record in your home country. Also, in other nations where you have lived for several years. Otherwise, you may be refused entry to Australia.
  • And, as you already know very well, be 100% honest when you apply!


One last thing: GrowPro helps you get your student visa for Australia!

If bureaucratic procedures concern you, rest assured that GrowPro will assist in obtaining your Australian student visa. We offer experienced and dedicated guidance.

First of all, our team will help you choose the right school and course based on your goals and budget. Consider that this is essential to get your visa.

With GrowPro you can do a wide variety of courses in Australia: art, design, early childhood education, gastronomy, hospitality, marketing, business, programming, animal health… You have many options to choose from.

Once you are clear about what you want to study, our team will take care of your application. They will advise you on the correct requirements before you apply for your student visa to Australia.

Choose your preferred experience here and fill in the form. Then, we’ll contact you free of charge. Particularly, we’ll discuss courses, visas, the Genuine Student requirement (GST), and other requirements for studying in Australia. See you soon!

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About the author

Tatiana Forero Rubiano
Tatiana Forero Rubiano

Tatiana viajó como mochilera por Canadá, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Chile y Brasil. Allí, mientras hacía una pasantía en Marketing Digital, descubrió su pasión para escribir sobre viajes. Desde 2018 se ha especializado en Content Marketing y, actualmente, es editora del blog de GrowPro.

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