Partner Visa Australia: Navigating the De Facto Visa Process

Partner Visa Australia: Navigating the De Facto Visa Process

Tatiana Forero Rubiano
Tatiana Forero Rubiano

Living in a foreign country is an experience everyone should have at least once in their life. But being in a relationship often complicates the plans. The distance is difficult. Luckily, through a de facto visa, also referred to as a partner visa in Australia, you can go to study in Australia and bring your partner with you.

We surprised you, didn’t we? Well, keep reading because it just keeps getting better and better. While it is not possible to do it with some visas like the Tourist or Work and Holiday Visa, the good news is that you will be able to do it with a Student Visa. Let’s get to it.

You can travel to Australia as a student! Ask for more details

What is a Partner Visa for Australia?

Not everyone is willing to spend several months away from their partner. If you are in love, even one hour seems too long. For such cases, Australia offers a de facto visa.

This is a partner visa in Australia, a permit that grants the possibility for your partner to go with you to this wonderful country, almost under the same conditions as you.

Thus, one member of the couple is the main applicant. That person must study an academic program in Australia. In contrast, the partner of the main applicant is his or her dependent.

As a dependent, you also have the right to reside in Australia, but without the need to study or work, although you will be able to do so if you wish!

Requirements to apply for a De Facto Visa

To obtain a partner visa in Australia, the ideal is to be married. However, you can also apply if you can prove that you have been living together as a couple for at least one year. How is it done? By presenting as much documentation as possible to prove it. Some examples:

  • Documentation of domestic partnership (if any).
  • Rent or joint bank account.
  • Any document that verifies that you share an asset.
  • Invoices under the same name or mailing address.
  • Testimonials from family members assuring that the relationship exists and is genuine.
  • Photos of trips in different seasons of the year.
  • Airline tickets with the same dates.

Of course, not all documents are equally important. That is to say, it will always have more value as reliable proof that you have been living together for a year, than photos of shared vacations.

While it is not necessary to have all of this evidence, it is advisable to have as much as possible. Finally, it will not be necessary to submit all these documents if you have a child in common, streamlining the process for the partner visa in Australia.

How to apply for a Partner Visa for Australia

Please note that there are dozens of visas to go to Australia. To apply for a de facto visa, one of the partners must apply for a student visa or get a work visa (Sponsor). The other partner must be included in the application for this visa.

Something very important: don’t forget that you can’t apply for a de facto visa if you apply for a tourist visa or a Work & Holiday.

Don’t worry, GrowPro will take care of all this for you, we will do the paperwork for you, including handling the application process for the partner visa Australia. Choose an experience and fill out the form to talk to one of our Student Advisors!


Can I include my partner at a later date?

If at the moment of applying for your visa, you have not decided to travel together, you can apply for it later. But be careful: you must fill out the form correctly, informing that you have a partner, whether he/she is going to Australia or not.

This would be an example of how to show that the relationship has been going on for some time, even if one of the parties does not know whether or not he/she is encouraged to live the adventure. This would facilitate the process of granting the partner visa to Australia.

If you haven’t informed immigration authorities about your partner, it becomes challenging to substantiate the existence of your relationship. Consequently, you won’t qualify for the visa. In such a scenario, you’d need to reapply, providing documentation to confirm your relationship.

What does the Partner Visa entitle?

The person who has enrolled as a student in a course shall have the right to work 24 hours per week during classes. During vacation time, he/she may work 48 hours.

The dependent, on the other hand, can work 20 hours a week, whether it is vacation time or not. If he/she takes a course, he/she can study for a maximum of three months. For longer periods, your partner must apply for your student visa.

Travel with your partner, GrowPro can help you!


Does the idea of traveling to Australia with your partner appeal to you? As you will see, it is not difficult to do so. Start by choosing an academic program. Then, fill out the form and wait for one of our Student Advisors to contact you to plan your adventure.

Remember that we not only provide you with information, but we also assist you with the paperwork (we know it’s a bit tedious) and also with the procedures, including guidance on obtaining the necessary documentation for the partner visa to Australia, and also:

  • We welcome you at the airport with our Arrival Pack and start with a great Kick-off Meeting.
  • We help you find accommodation, open a bank account, and get your Australian phone number.
  • We organize events where you can meet people like you because we know it’s not easy to be away from home. These events include parties, workshops, and group getaways.
  • You will have the opportunity to become our Ambassador and generate extra income.

If you need more information about your trip to Australia or anything else, don’t hesitate to ask us for free advice, the adventure of a lifetime awaits you!

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About the author

Tatiana Forero Rubiano
Tatiana Forero Rubiano

Tatiana viajó como mochilera por Canadá, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Chile y Brasil. Allí, mientras hacía una pasantía en Marketing Digital, descubrió su pasión para escribir sobre viajes. Desde 2018 se ha especializado en Content Marketing y, actualmente, es editora del blog de GrowPro.

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