VET Courses in Australia: The Perfect Plan to Travel to the Country

VET Courses in Australia: The Perfect Plan to Travel to the Country

Tatiana Forero Rubiano
Tatiana Forero Rubiano

Australia is amazing. The only problem is that it is a huge country and it will take several months to experience it fully. Luckily there are VET courses in Australia, which are perfect for traveling around the country while studying your dream career.

Can you imagine studying for a time in Australia? It will surely be an unforgettable experience! Living in this country you have access to different course options, so, this time, we will talk about VET courses or vocational courses.

At GrowPro we have helped young people from all over the world to fulfill their dream of living in Australia. So, welcome, we are happy to help you! Take note of these amazing options and spend some time on the world’s largest island.

Do you wish to study and work in Australia? Discover your options here.

What are VET courses?

VET stands for Vocational Education Training. These courses are offered by Australian schools based on the national government’s analysis of the labor market.

In this way, VET courses respond to Australia’s need for workers. For example, if the country needs chefs, cooking courses are created in Australia to train new chefs.

For that reason, young people who finish their studies are more likely to find work and meet the needs of the market. Very good thinking, Australia!

VET courses in Australia are offered by both public and private institutions. In either case, it is the State that provides development funds, policies, and regulations to ensure the quality of each sector.

VET courses allow you to enter a university

On the other hand, they are a way of accessing university, since you can enter directly in the second year or validate subjects from the first year.

VET courses, lasting more than three months consecutively, allow you to study and work in Australia legally, a situation that will allow you to pay for your stay. The Australian Government is very proud that VET courses are taught by experienced professionals in their field.

In conclusion, they are quite practical courses, which allow real learning and a better preparation for the labor market. In addition, the duration of a VET course is quarterly and ranges from three months to the number of quarters that each course lasts.

Requirements to study a VET course

To study a VET course you must comply with a series of requirements imposed by the Australian Government and the schools that offer them. These are the main formalities:

  • Student visa: This is a requirement to stay more than 3 months in Australia. We will explain it in more detail below.
  • Medium-high level of English: As the classes will be in English, it is obvious that you will need some knowledge of the language. The level of English is usually accredited with a test or by presenting an official certificate such as IELTS, Cambridge, etc.
  • Basic education: To be eligible for a VET course you must have completed at least basic education or vocational training in your home country.
  • Compulsory medical insurance: With the student visa it is compulsory to have medical insurance that covers any incident that happens to you in Australia. Here are our recommended insurances.


Student Visa

A VET course allows you to apply for a student visa, which is a type of visa that not only allows you to study in Australia but also to work.

Specifically, the student visa costs 715 AUD and allows you to work 48 hours per two weeks and full-time during your vacations. Working is the best way to save and pay for your stay in Australia.

In addition, if you manage your finances well, you can also save some money to travel and discover the best places to see in Australia.

This student visa is valid for the duration of the course(s) you are studying. However, you will be able to renew it as you continue with your VET courses as well.

Leave the visa paperwork in our hands!

At GrowPro we help and advise you for free so that you can forget about the paperwork. Book your experience!

Recommended health insurance

Please note that this insurance is not only compulsory but also highly recommended. With the high standard of living in Australia, paying for medical costs yourself can be a large amount of money. Our recommended medical insurances are:

  • Allianz Care Australia
  • Chapka (only for European citizens)
  • Assist365

Take a VET course in Australia

Congratulations! You already know almost everything you need to know about VET courses in Australia. Now if you are interested, all you have to do is sign up for the one you like the most.

Below we will give you examples of VET courses in Australia. But if you don’t know where to start applying for them, in this section we will clarify it for you. To register for a VET course you have two options, the complex option and the simple option.

  • Complex option: It consists of searching the internet for a course that suits your objectives and needs. The problem is that you will not only have to manage the paperwork with the school yourself, but you will also have to process your visa and other documentation to enter Australia.
  • Simple option: At GrowPro we manage educational experiences in Australia and we do it for free. That is, for the same price it would cost you to do everything yourself, GrowPro will help you with all the paperwork, the paperwork with the school, the visa and much more.


How to do a VET course step by step

  1. Select the experience you are most interested in from our Australia page.
  2. Choose among the cities of Australia the one you like the most.
  3. Fill out the form on the experience page.
  4. A Student Advisor will contact you for advice.
  5. Once the payment has been made, the enrollment application will be sent to the school.
  6. Once you have confirmed your registration, we will start processing your student visa.
  7. With your registration and your student visa, you are ready to travel!
  8. When you arrive in Australia we will be waiting for you at our Welcome Session to tell you many other things.

Tips for choosing VET courses

VET courses are available in all cities and some towns in Australia. Each school sets its own entry requirements, standards, timetables, and pricing.

You can search the internet for schools or ask us based on your interests and we will inform you about the available offer. You can also consult our web page to see the options we have, although we will give you examples of the most outstanding ones later on.

What to consider when choosing a VET course

  • The type of VET you are interested in: Search for the specialty you are interested in and find the available courses.
  • Where do you want to study: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Gold Coast, Byron Bay, Adelaide… Check the training offer in each place.
  • Your level of English and entry requirements: VET courses in Australia require a minimum level of English. You will need to prove it or take a placement test at the school of your choice.
  • The price and quality of the VET course: There are courses and schools of all prices and qualities. Choose the one that suits your interests and your pocket.
  • The duration of the course: There are VET courses from 3 months to 3 years. Think about how long you want to study in Australia and make your choice.


Examples of VET courses in Australia

The fields of study are very diverse, and the price will depend on the type of course you choose, as well as the institution and the duration of the course. So it is always important to make a balance according to your objectives.

The main areas for VET courses in Australia that you will be able to find are:

  • Hospitality.
  • Finance (business, management, accounting).
  • Digital media (web development, graphic design, social media, information technologies).
  • Health, child and elderly care, and beauty (massages, natural therapies).
  • Tourism.
  • Sports (fitness, personal trainer, specialties).
  • Occupational safety, and customer service, among others.

Below are examples of more specific VET courses that you can find on our website.

Chef in Australia

The profession of Chef is one of the most demanded in Australia. As this country does not have a highly developed gastronomic culture (most of its typical dishes are of English origin), the Government and the Australian society are making efforts to create their own gastronomic culture.

In addition, these experiences allow you to work to cover your expenses in the country.

Learn more about our Hospitality and Tourism experiences.


Diving Instructor

Few countries are as interested in recreational diving as Australia. Its large number of coastal areas full of life make it an ideal spot for the practice of this sport.

Also, among the animals of Australia, we find a rich variety of marine species that can be found in iconic places such as the Great Barrier Reef.

With these experiences, you will turn the sea into your own office and learn all the secrets of this interesting profession. You will get all the knowledge to become a diving instructor. In addition, you will be able to work to pay your expenses.

Sports with a specialty in surfing

If you are passionate about sports, this VET course is for you. It is specialized in the “king sport” of Australia: surfing.

It is the ideal experience if your objective is to study and work at the same time since you will be able to work as a guide or monitor in different companies and outdoor sports facilities.

In addition, whether you are already a surfer or you are just starting, you will enjoy this course very much, since you will spend many days practicing in the sea, as it specializes in surfing.

Learn more about our Sports experiences.



More and more people are deciding to start up their projects and launch themselves into the entrepreneurial life. Are you one of them? Then you will know that the more knowledge you acquire and the more experience you have, the lower the chances of failure.

In this VET course for entrepreneurship, the objective is to launch your project with mentoring from successful Australian entrepreneurs. They will give you the knowledge and vision you need to achieve your goals.

In addition, you will be surrounded by an entrepreneurial ecosystem, and attend events and presentations by the best in their field. In short, you will breathe a start-up environment from morning until you go to bed.

Australia is a good country for entrepreneurship – take up the challenge to strive for a different lifestyle!

Learn more about our Business experiences.

Most common VET courses

If you are looking for a more “traditional” VET course, there are numerous possibilities. You can find them by searching school by school or you can select one of our experiences, fill out the form, and talk to one of our Student Advisors to help you through the process.

For these study experiences that we offer, we have reached agreements with leading Australian schools in all kinds of fields of study you can imagine: management, hospitality, accounting, marketing, fitness, technology…

English + VET Courses

As we have explained in the requirements section, to access a VET course you need to demonstrate a level of English that allows you to follow the classes correctly. The problem is that on many occasions you do not have this level of English or if you have it, it is a little rusty.

What to do in such cases? An experience that combines an English course and a VET course.

First of all, you complete an English course that allows you to reach the desired level to face the VET course. Studying English abroad, especially in an English-speaking country like Australia, makes learning much faster and in a much shorter period.

Once you have completed the course and reached the desired level of English, you can start with the VET course. These experiences, of course, have a longer duration and are the perfect way to get a full introduction to Australian life and get to know the country completely.

What are TAFE courses?

TAFE (Technical and Further Education) courses are at a higher level than VET courses in terms of requirements and financial requirements.

They require more investment and are partly funded by the Australian Government. They are usually taught 4 days a week. There are about 250 institutes throughout the country where they can be taken.

They can lead to advanced diplomas and specific certificates that can make a big difference in the job market. They are also redeemable for some credits in certain universities and serve as a “gateway” to studying for university degrees.

Most TAFE students are Australian, although it can be an excellent training opportunity for
international students. Internships are paid.

Take your VET courses in Australia with GrowPro


If you are deciding to do a VET course, GrowPro has a proposal for you! Get to know our courses in Australia, select the one you like the most here, and fill out the form. Shortly, we will contact you to advise you in every step of the process.

If you don’t have the language skills you need, start with this English course to get up to speed! Once you’ve done it, you’ll have already made great strides in your experience in Australia, so everything will become much easier from there.

Now it’s your turn. Do you want to live the adventure of a lifetime? Then you have to go for it, we are your best travel companions!

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About the author

Tatiana Forero Rubiano
Tatiana Forero Rubiano

Tatiana viajó como mochilera por Canadá, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Chile y Brasil. Allí, mientras hacía una pasantía en Marketing Digital, descubrió su pasión para escribir sobre viajes. Desde 2018 se ha especializado en Content Marketing y, actualmente, es editora del blog de GrowPro.

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