eTA Canada Visa: Find your Requirements Here

eTA Canada Visa: Find your Requirements Here

Tatiana Forero Rubiano
Tatiana Forero Rubiano

Looking forward to travel to Canada? Great! We love the idea, but… have you already checked what types of Canadian visa you need? If you still have doubts, we are going to tell you ALL about the eTA Canada visa.

Seriously! We will tell you what it is all about, its details, advantages and disadvantages. In other words, our purpose with this article on the eTa visa is to clear up any doubts you may have so that you can make the best decision.

Read on!

What is the eTA Canada Visa?

The eTA visa (also known as electronic Travel Authorization) is an entry permit for Canada. Note: This document is valid mainly for citizens who are exempt from visa requirements.

And what are its advantages? The eTA Canada visa is valid for five years, during which you can make several short trips of up to six months. In addition, applying for it is very easy, you just have to enter the official website of the Government of Canada and you are ready to go! It will take just a few minutes!

Now, let’s talk about the disadvantages. The eTA does NOT guarantee your entry into the country, it all depends on the inspection made by the immigration officers. And, if you have an expired passport, the eTA automatically expires as well.

Check carefully your documents for Canada!

When is an eTA required for Canada?

As mentioned above, the Electronic Travel Authorization is a requirement for visa-exempt foreign nationals traveling to Canada by air. However, people traveling by land or ship do NOT need to apply for an eTA.

“Is it really only foreign citizens who are exempt from visa? My friend’s friend told me that all the people who want to travel to Canada must apply for the eTA Canada visa…”

Don’t get tangled up! Visa-exempt foreign citizens can enter Canada with the eTA and without the need to apply for an additional visa, as this permit grants them temporary residency status.


Which countries need an eTA to enter Canada?

As not everyone needs an eTA Canada visa to enter the country, this is a short list of countries that can apply for this visa. Check carefully, your nationality could be here:

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Netherlands

To check the full list, click here.


How much does the eTA cost to travel to Canada?

The eTa Canada visa is one of the cheapest official documents to travel to the land of the moose. Can you believe it costs only 7 CAD* (Approx. 5 USD)? A bargain! However, keep in mind that this price is per person and is not transferable.

*This price is for reference and it may change over time.

How long is an eTA valid for travel to Canada?

We know we already said it, but just so you never forget: it is valid for a maximum of five years or until your passport expires. So, if you get a new passport, you will need a new eTA.

Something super important that we haven’t mentioned yet is that you don’t need an additional permit to move around the country and see the sights of Canada. Take advantage of those years of your stay and tour the flagship destinations of the maple leaf!

What are the requirements to apply for an eTA visa for Canada?

There are some requirements to get the eTA visa for Canada. But don’t be discouraged! Especially because there are not many conditions required by the Canadian authorities and, in addition, most of the applicants obtain the authorization easily.

  • To start, you must be a citizen of one of the 55 countries in Canada’s visa waiver program. And have no criminal convictions or immigration violations.
  • In addition, you must visit Canada for tourism, work or transit purposes and for a maximum period of 180 days.
  • Another requirement is to be in good health; it is important to have medical certificates endorsed by the government!
  • And have ties to your home country, such as a job, a home, or financial instruments. You must convince the immigration officer that you wish to return to your country. If you have a return ticket home, so much the better.


How to apply for an eTA Canada visa?

Applying for the eTA Canada visa is truly straightforward. All you need is a stable internet connection and your valid documents. Grab a pen and paper, and let’s outline the simple steps you need to follow.

  • First, find your passport and credit/debit card and read the help document. Then, complete the online form. Please note that it cannot be saved, so you need to have the information prepared in a Word file. Copy and paste is perfectly acceptable here!
  • Once you have filled the online form out, pay the 7 CAD fee for the eTA. And have at hand the judicial certificates of your place of residence. This way, you will be able to prove that you have exemplary behavior within the society.
  • You’re done! If everything goes well, you will receive a confirmation e-mail in a few minutes. If not, the e-mail will ask for additional documents to be sent within 72 hours.

Hey! Occasionally, some applications may take several days if there are any inconveniences. That is why it is always recommended to process the eTA before getting any flight to Canada.

Can you study and work in Canada with the eTA?

Yes, we know. We left you eager to migrate to Canada, didn’t we?

If you are looking to spend some time in Canada, the best thing to do would be to look at different visas for Canada. There are plenty beyond the eTA, so don’t worry, you have a lot to choose from.

Now, if you want to study and work in Canada, don’t hesitate! The second largest country in the world was chosen in 2021 as the best country to live in, according to the U.S. News ranking. If you have already made up your mind, here are the steps to follow.

First, choose the course you want to take. Do your research and find out which course is the one that best suits your needs and preferences. There are hundreds of study programs, search them and find the best one for you!

That done, choose a visa that allows you to study and work in Canada. If you are willing to do so, there are only two options:

  • Student visa
  • Working Holiday Visa.

Otherwise, you will not be able to work legally within the country.

Both are great options!

Make sure you have the necessary funds to cover your trip. Before organizing your trip, check the budget you have. Look for information about the different cities in Canada and choose the best option for your budget.

Study a season in Canada with GrowPro’s support!


If you want to study for a time with your eTA, of course you can! With this visa, you are allowed to take English courses lasting no more than 6 months.

So why not live a student experience in Canada? With these programs, you can master the language very fluently in a matter of weeks. And don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of time to wander around Canada and see its most iconic attractions.

If you would like to live this experience, don’t hesitate! All you have to do is select a course and fill out a form. Then, we will advise you free of charge and explain the steps to follow to plan your trip as soon as possible.

Hope to hear from you soon, future grower!

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About the author

Tatiana Forero Rubiano
Tatiana Forero Rubiano

Tatiana viajó como mochilera por Canadá, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Chile y Brasil. Allí, mientras hacía una pasantía en Marketing Digital, descubrió su pasión para escribir sobre viajes. Desde 2018 se ha especializado en Content Marketing y, actualmente, es editora del blog de GrowPro.

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