Countries With The Best Quality Of Life | Get to Know Them! [2021]

Countries With The Best Quality Of Life | Get to Know Them! [2021]

Charlotte Koks
Charlotte Koks

To travel is to discover, there is no doubt about this. But when the question of spending a season abroad comes up, it is inevitable to worry.  We ask ourselves what we are going to find when we arrive at our destination. That’s why we dedicate this article to talk about the 10 countries with the best quality of life in the world.

Studying, working, traveling as a tourist… depends a lot on where we are going to settle. Each year lists of the countries with the best quality of life are drawn up. They collect data such as the population’s access to work, unemployment rate, food, services, housing, school enrollment rates, health care system, and the average income per inhabitant.

One of the most comprehensive studies is that of the company Y&R BAV Consulting, in collaboration with the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Also, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) analyzes highly reliable parameters to establish a ranking of countries with a high quality of life.

With the conclusions reached by both studies, it is possible to establish a list of the best places to live according to their quality of life. Whether you want to study a language abroad, immigrate or just travel to make new friends, this article will help you make the best decision. Read on!

Top 10 countries with the best quality of life 

Although there are many countries with great quality of life, we have compiled those that suit the needs of students and young people the most.

Norway | An example in quality of life

Norway is one of the countries with the best quality of life

Norway is an excellent representative of the excellent quality of life offered by the Scandinavian countries. It is a leader in employment equality between men and women. And known for their protection of the family unit. In terms of education, the Norwegian system is considered among the best in the world.

This country has a very high life expectancy, located at 82 years, which is another point in its favor. Also, we cannot overlook the natural beauty of Norway. Its fantastic fjords, its lush forests, and its snow-capped peaks make this country a delight to behold. Of course … you will have to be prepared to get a little cold!

Canada | Excellent quality of life in a diverse and inclusive culture

Canada is always among the countries with the best quality of life

The third country in the world in oil reserves managed to establish a system halfway between economic liberalism and social coverage. Multicultural and innovative, Canada always appears among the 10 countries with the best quality of life.

Canada has a competitive job market and an enviable academic level. With universities among the most prominent on the planet. Its 35 million inhabitants are rightly proud of the incomparable environmental and animal wealth. Not surprisingly, Canada’s national parks are among the most incredible and, if that weren’t enough, there are dozens of them.

Many young people decide to move to this country for a while because studying in Canada is synonymous with quality. Besides, if you take a Co-Op course, you can obtain, along with a Study Permit, a Work Permit. It’s an ideal way to cover expenses.

For example, studying Hospitality is one of the experiences that young people choose the most to go to Canada. That is because it allows you to work in the industry. If you want to know this and more experiences, take a look at this list. If you want to know more, take a look at this list below.


Sweden | «Lagom», a recipe for happiness

Sweden, one of the european countries with the best quality of life

The Swedish way of life is experiencing a real boom all over the world. What the Swedes call ‘Lagom’ is a lifestyle in which the simple things are the most important in life.

Want some examples? Spending time with family and friends, reconciling work and personal life, having few possessions, taking care of the environment, and staying in contact with loved ones… ‘Lagom’ is just the tip of the iceberg of a rich, egalitarian country. A country with no unemployment rates and in which 8 out of 10 adults have higher education.

Australia | An island full of opportunities, adventure and the best quality of life 


Australia, the largest island on the planet, has a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that increases at 3.3% annually. Its health system is universal and free>. Crime is an anecdote and the educational system enhances the talent of the country’s students. In turn, those students are among the best in technology and innovation in the world.

The dissemination of sport and the healthy habits of Australians surprises visitors. As does their perfect combination of working life with leisure time. To top it all, they boast countless natural wonders and unique animal species such as koalas and kangaroos.

On the other hand, Australia is a very popular place among young people from all over the world. This is because it allows working with the student visa. What better plan than to discover Australia while you study and work to pay for your expenses? Take a look at these incredible experiences!


Switzerland | The country with the highest economic and political stability 


The quintessential neutral country is an oasis for lovers of quality of life and economic and political stability. The Swiss have one of the highest per capita incomes in the world: $ 58,647.

On the other hand, Switzerland offers high levels of health protection to its citizens. They can also choose from some of the best study centers and universities to train. Democracy and personal freedom are considered values in themselves. And all despite its small size and it barely exceeding 8 million inhabitants.

Netherlands | The most openmind and eco friendly place in Europe


The Netherlands has a rightful place among the 10 countries with the best quality of life in the world. That is due to its high per capita income ($ 49,624) and its democratic values. Also, its commitment to an open and multicultural society makes it an excellent choice. It is one of the founding members of NATO and the European Union (EU).

The Dutch are great protectors of childhood, education, and academic training. Of course, we cannot fail to mention the bicycle. It is the national transport and also a symbol of the enormous respect of the Netherlands for the environment. As well as all the actions it takes to protect it.

Denmark | A wellbeing state with the best quality of life


Few things worry the Danes. This is understandable, after all, they reside in a country that generates wealth and knows how to distribute it equally. Every year, Denmark is set as an example among countries with a high quality of life.

Low crime, high employment rates and wide access to education and healthcare. All this makes Denmark a must in any ranking of countries with the best quality of life in the world.

Yes, it requires a big ammount of taxes. But the Danish welfare system prevents its citizens from being harmed by sensitive situations, such as the latest economic crisis.

New Zealand | A filmmaker’s dream destination

New Zealand

Those who can’t help but remember the landscapes of the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy when they think of New Zealand, already have a good idea of the enormous natural wealth of the Kiwi country. But it is also an example of coexistence between almost opposite ethnic groups and cultures: British, Maori and Asian.

New Zealand is politically very stable and economically strong. Equal and inclusive, the country of the All Blacks is a parliamentary democracy with enormous social stability. Their life expectancy, 81.46 years, is one of the highest in the world.

Like Australia, New Zealand also allows you to work with a student visa. It’s one of the most common ways people around the world go live there for a season. So make the most of one of these experiences. Click below and find out how!


Iceland | The happiest country in Europe offers an amazing quality of life


Named repeatedly “the happiest country” in Europe, Iceland is frequently cited as an example of constant social and economic progress.

Its inhabitants benefit from a high quality of life thanks to the protection of the State. This entity promotes personal initiative in all areas, from work to creative. The salary is high. And social security is of high quality.

It should also be noted that the Icelandic Government is in favor of sustainable energy. And its 300,000 inhabitants are firmly convinced of the importance of caring for the environment and its many natural resources.

Luxembourg | Enjoy an exclusive lifestyle


The high level of income of Luxembourgers is one of the reasons why their country is one of our 10 countries with the best quality of life. The World Bank ranks this small European nation as the first in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita. With unemployment below 2% and high rates of professional equality.

Luxembourg is a key member of the main international organizations in favor of equality and human rights. The country’s hallmarks are the protection of children, health care, and access to education.

Well, we hope that this article about the countries with the highest quality of life has been of interest to you. Have you been lucky enough to live in any of them? Which would be your favorite to live in for a season? Choose an experience in our of our destinations, and let us help you make this dream a reality!

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About the author

Charlotte Koks
Charlotte Koks

Hey there! My name is Charlotte, and I'm working as an International Project Manager at GrowPro Experience. My goal is to help students all around the world to live the experiences of a lifetime 🙌🏽. I'm trying to inspire students by means of telling the story of former growers, showing what we are doing at each destination and writing about our cities and tips on our blogs. I got a big passion for adventures, doing sports in the park, learning new languages and seeing new places 🌏. That's one of the reasons why I studied European Studies and why I currently work for GrowPro, to expand my horizons. Hopefully, I can inspire you to do the same!

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