Studying Languages Abroad | The Best Ways To Become A Poliglot

Studying Languages Abroad | The Best Ways To Become A Poliglot

Charlotte Koks
Charlotte Koks

Are you striving for your dream job? Do you want to broaden your work and academic possibilities? Then, let’s get you ready for that! To accomplish this dream, it is important to study and gain all possible knowledge and experience. A good way to do it is studying languages abroad, it increases your possibilities of finding an important job. With just one additional language your odds improve. Now imagine two.

Furthermore, it not only requires you to learn another language to communicate, but it will give you life experiences. And in the eyes of any recruiter, you will see yourself as a risky and independent person.

So, all of that has given us reason enough to write this article. Here, we will tell you all the advantages of studying languages abroad. Also, we will give you some proposals to finish giving you the push you need. Take a peek.

Advantages of Studying Languages Abroad

Are you still not convinced about studying languages abroad? What?! Well, no worries, we have the solution! Take a look at this list of advantages. Once you finish, you will be certain of the many benefits of studying a language abroad. By living this adventure, you are going to change your life, so don’t let it simply pass you by.

Study languages abroad in the best schools

If you decide to study languages abroad, you will get a chance to train in the best schools. Academies to study abroad have programs designed especially for international students.

In addition, they are taught by certified native teachers specialized in language teaching. So, you can choose to get a Bachelor’s or Postgraduate degree abroad. And they will give you an intensive course to get you up and running in the language. Awesome, right?

You can interact with natives of the language at any time

When studying languages abroad, you will be surrounded by native speakers. This is the very best that can happen to you. It means you can expand your vocabulary, improve your pronunciation, and even learn a bit of slang! Also, by studying abroad, you can learn to become fluent among speakers of a new language.

Studying languages abroad adds a lot of value to your CV

If you add the study of languages abroad to your CV, you can be assured of great job opportunities. Studying abroad is a guarantee that you have very good training to function in a second language. This is a very attractive feature for employers.

Furthermore, it shows your commitment to your personal growth. And your capacity to work towards a goal outside of your comfort zone. Who wouldn’t want to work with such a person?

You get to know a new way of living

Sure, studying languages abroad allows you to learn a new language. But it also gives you access to a new culture. During your trip to study languages abroad, you will soak up other customs and ways of seeing life.

In turn, this will help you expand your vision of the world. And, after this process, you will become more tolerant and you will learn to respect other ways of thinking.

If you study languages abroad, you will visit amazing destinations

If there is a country that you have always wanted to visit, studying languages abroad is your chance! When you are not at school, you can unleash your spirit of adventure to discover the best places around you. So choose your country wisely! If you dare, you will build priceless and indelible memories.

What are the best languages to study abroad?

This question is complicated. The study of languages abroad depends on your tastes and your academic or work goals. So, keep this in mind when choosing where to have your adventure. However, most students go for some of the most widely spoken languages.

For example, English, the second most widely spoken language in the world, will give you excellent opportunities in many cities. Also, Chinese has become very popular. For many, it is the language of the future as the country has enormous growth. On this note, Japanese is also a very good idea.

But, when it comes to languages, you should choose the one you favor the most. Maybe your goal is to become an academic specialized in Irish history. Then why go for Chinese? Find something that adjusts to your specific needs. Keep in mind that you already have English, a huge advantage in the current world!

What are the best destinations to study languages abroad?

Around the world, there are many incredible countries to study languages abroad. Depending on the language you want to learn, your budget, and your tastes, you can choose the ideal one for you. However, we will give you some very good recommendations: our GrowPro destinations.

These countries are some of the best destinations because they offer top-notch educational experiences in certified schools. During your trip, you can train with the best and, in the process, live a season full of adventure and good memories. Get to know them!


Studying languages abroad in Canada

Canada is a great place to do anything. Excellent quality of life, amazing natural attractions, the country has it all. Including cosmopolitan cities full of culture that will make you fall in love.

But, that’s not all! Canada’s education system is also top-notch. Therefore, the study opportunities are unbeatable. Here, you can learn French from native teachers specifically trained to teach foreigners. And, while you’re at it, you can throw in a vocational course. Or, why not? Even further your education with a Bachelor’s or a postgraduate degree.



studying languages abroad in Madrid

When it comes to learning another language, Spanish tends to be the obvious choice. After all, it is the second most spoken language in the world. And, it is also quite beautiful!

So, if you want to get into this awesome and useful language, what better place than Spain? It did originate from here. Furthermore, it is full of cosmopolitan cities, culture, and excitement. So, it is almost a too obvious choice to study languages abroad.




Studying languages abroad on this exotic Mediterranean island is an excellent choice for many reasons. First, of course, is the fact that it is a Mediterranean island. Furthermore, it is a beautiful country full of culture and history. Besides, it is very accessible when it comes to costs.

But, what languages can you learn here? Well, Maltese of course. But, if that is not international enough for you, there’s also Italian. How come? As it happens, Malta has been inhabited by many great empires and countries. Including, you guessed it, Italy. So, Italian is a widespread language.

Furthermore, you can study it at one of the oldest universities in the world. Of course, you have the choice of studying vocational and university courses.




Ok, so maybe this is not a common choice for English speakers. After all, you already know the main language! But, this is the home of the Irish language and Celtic culture. This is a great point of attraction and research.

If ancient cultures are your thing, Ireland is the place to be. We love it because, aside from the language, there’s so much more you can learn! Their postgraduate courses are among the best in the world!


Steps to Study Languages Abroad

If you want to study languages abroad, you should plan your trip with plenty of time ahead. We know this may seem a bit complicated. But if you follow this list, it will be a piece of cake. Have a look!

  • Choose a destination that suits your goals.
  • Learn about the courses available to study languages ​​abroad.
  • Request a quote.
  • Depending on the program you want to study abroad, choose the ideal visa.
  • If you already know in which country you want to study, select a city.
  • Take a look at the cost of airline tickets.
  • If you need to apply for a student visa, research the cost of international health insurance. This is a mandatory requirement if you want to study languages abroad.

After you complete these steps, you can start planning the fun parts of your trip to study languages abroad!

Study Languages Abroad with GrowPro

Now that you know all about studying languages ​​abroad, it’s time to go for it! If you don’t want to take care of everything yourself, don’t worry, we get it. That’s why GrowPro Experience is your best ally in this adventure.

We have first-rate educational experiences in the best countries abroad. Furthermore, you can get personalized advice to plan your trip. We will help you enroll in a school, apply for your visa, and much more.

Oh, and that’s not all! We offer you information sessions in the country where you want to study languages ​​abroad. Here, you can meet other students like you and have all your doubts and misgivings resolved. Furthermore, we have events on-site so that you can have fun and make friends!

What are you waiting for? Investing in your future is the best you can do. Take the first step!

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About the author

Charlotte Koks
Charlotte Koks

Hey there! My name is Charlotte, and I'm working as an International Project Manager at GrowPro Experience. My goal is to help students all around the world to live the experiences of a lifetime 🙌🏽. I'm trying to inspire students by means of telling the story of former growers, showing what we are doing at each destination and writing about our cities and tips on our blogs. I got a big passion for adventures, doing sports in the park, learning new languages and seeing new places 🌏. That's one of the reasons why I studied European Studies and why I currently work for GrowPro, to expand my horizons. Hopefully, I can inspire you to do the same!

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