Well-Paying Jobs That Require Travel: Uncover 10 Lucrative Careers for Adventurous Souls

Well-Paying Jobs That Require Travel: Uncover 10 Lucrative Careers for Adventurous Souls

Tatiana Forero Rubiano
Tatiana Forero Rubiano

What to study if I like to travel? This is the question that many young adventurers ask themselves. It happens when the time comes to choose well-paying jobs that require travel. And yes, the truth is that it is not a simple choice. It will determine what activity you will dedicate most of your adult life to.

So, you may be confused and still don’t know what to do. At GrowPro we want to open up your panorama of possibilities with this list of well-paying jobs that require travel. Charge your engines and let’s fly!

The 10 ideal professions for globetrotters

Many factors go into choosing your career. For example: pay and workload. However, your career must allow you to experience and do things you are passionate about.

Do you have a traveling soul? Then you’ll yearn to explore countless destinations. Also, you’ll forge global friendships and immerse yourself in diverse traditions. And you’ll savor unique cuisines and marvel at each locale’s attractions.

The best alternative

Studying in another country is a good step towards your goal. This way, you have a gateway to another culture. Also, if one of your goals as a professional is to get well-paying jobs that require travel, having an international degree will help you get the job you want.

With that said, it’s time to get comfortable. Now, make yourself a cup of tea and relax. If you’ve asked yourself more than once which are the well-paying jobs that require travel, here’s the answer.

1. Hospitality

Hospitality is a branch that is growing day by day, especially after the pandemic. In addition, there are hotels and restaurants all over the world. Here you have well-paying jobs that require travel! Another plus point of this profession is that it combines gastronomy with hotel management, so it is a 2-in-1.

Customer service can be demanding and work intensifies during peak seasons. However, we believe that the advantages of hospitality far outweigh the disadvantages.
In addition to the good pay, this career offers a wide range of employment opportunities. For instance, you can work as a chef, waiter, receptionist, hotel manager, etc.

And it also allows you to learn new languages and make international contacts.

So, what to study for well-paying jobs that require travel? One sure answer is to enroll in a hospitality course! You will earn well, learn a lot, and have adventures in different countries.

2. Marketing

It may not seem like it, but marketing is a good career choice if you look for well-paying jobs that require travel. Brands need trained professionals to analyze the market. After that, sell their products – find well-paying jobs that require travel, no matter where they are! So, if you study marketing you will be able to:

  • Search for on-site or remote employment in the Americas, Europe, or Asia.
  • Develop your creativity to the maximum.
  • Work independently as a freelancer or digital nomad and travel wherever you want.

However, to answer the question about what to study if you seek well-paying jobs that require travel, it is also necessary to think about the disadvantages. For example: you may have excellent ideas, but if you work in an agency, not all of them will be approved.

3. Journalism

This career could not be missing from the list of well-paying jobs that require travel if you like to explore the world. You get paid to travel! One day you could be covering a story in London and another in New York.

Of course, if you want to dedicate yourself exclusively to travel, become a travel journalist. In this way, you give tips You write reviews about destinations and create notes about the traditions of a community. Sure then, travel the world sharing your vision of it. A dream job, isn’t it?

The not-so-cool part of journalism is that you always have to be well-informed, you will have to read a lot! On the other hand, having financial stability may be a challenge if you decide to be a freelancer. But once you do, you will have found one of the high-paying jobs that require travel.

4. Tourism

When you wondered what to study if you like to enjoy well-paying jobs that require travel, you probably thought of this career. You are not wrong, tourism combines management and travel, so it is one of the well-paying jobs that require travel.

With a degree in tourism, you have the option of working in hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, or government organizations. And if you dream big, you could even manage tourism institutions!

In addition, you are in contact with people from many countries and cultures. You can make many work connections and great friends. Of course, the career is quite long and you need to be fluent in several languages, mainly English.


5. Language Teacher

Studying to become a language teacher is also a good idea if you are looking for well-paying jobs that require travel. Why? Well, you have the possibility of teaching your language in English-speaking countries. Or, you can look for an English teaching job in countries that speak other languages.

As a language teacher, you will be able to work in different destinations. Even teach online – you will have your office on your computer! Just keep in mind that the salary is not always good, especially if you choose to be a freelancer.

6. Web development

“What to study if I like to travel and I am passionate about technology?” The answer is simple: web development. Professionalizing in this area has many advantages, for example, receiving one of the highest salaries among all technology careers.

Besides, you don’t need to work in an office. You can do it from home or anywhere in the world. And well, if you set your mind to it, you can even get a job in a big company in Canada or the United States.

Consider that web developers spend a large part of the day sitting in front of the computer. Therefore, eyestrain and spinal problems are much too common. Also, you will have to learn to work under tight deadlines. But take it for granted that you’ll have landed one of the high-paying jobs that require travel.

7. Translation

There are so many languages in the world. Multinationals and international organizations are always looking for professionals to translate documents. Or also interpret what is spoken in their meetings and negotiations.

This is why translation will open doors to new and exciting destinations. So, if you still doubt about what to study if you like well-paying jobs that require travel, consider this career. It is one of the well-paying jobs that require travel.

Among the advantages, you will find the opportunity to work abroad. And also the high salary that graduates in translation currently enjoy. However, because of the good pay, the job field is likely to be quite competitive.

8. International Business

At this point, the question of which well-paying jobs require travel already has several answers But there are still other options. One of them is international business, a career that, thanks to globalization, is currently in high demand.

At the end of your training, you will have the tools to practice this profession. You will know the keys to international trade, the cultural differences to close agreements, and the functioning of the market to make a business grow.

The most interesting benefit is that you will travel a lot since you will have to negotiate with people from other countries. However, keep in mind that this sector is very dynamic. You must always be updated. That’s why GrowPro offers courses in Business to prepare you, click and learn more about them!


9. Photography

If you have a creative and traveling spirit, think no further: the answer is photography! Photographers are in charge of capturing a story through their lens – and what better backdrop to portray a story than the whole world?

Be careful: photography does not guarantee you a steady income, and the equipment to work with is quite expensive. However, if you decide to pursue well-paying jobs that require travel in this field, you can:

  • Work in magazines, advertising agencies, or as a freelance photographer.
  • To discover incredible places and to showcase lesser-known sites.
  • Explore your creativity to tell stories through your art.
  • Travel and explore as many places as you can!

10. Archaeology

Indiana Jones lived many adventures around the world. You can be just like him too! Of course, without the dangerous part. The answer to what to study if I like to travel is archaeology. It is a science that is mostly studied outside of the laboratory.

Archaeologists are dedicated to discovering the vestiges of the past through excavation. Sometimes they do it in remote areas and unfavorable conditions. In addition, for this career, you need to have very advanced historical, geographical, and cultural knowledge. Because of this, the work is very demanding.

As demanding as the profession can be, it is very satisfying to have the opportunity to research and develop your projects. As motivation, the job market has a wide scope. You can find in this field some of the well-paying jobs that require travel, you could work in a museum!

Study and explore the world with GrowPro!

After reading this article, you surely already know what to study if you like to travel. Now that you have a clear answer, the next step is to set to work. How? Let GrowPro help you put together your next adventure.

We are experts in educational travel, we have courses for you to specialize in destinations such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, or Malta. Your eyes are sparkling, aren’t they? We are too!

Click on the link, and select your favorite training and destination. Then, fill out the form and we will contact you to advise you. We will be with you from the beginning to the end of your great trip!

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About the author

Tatiana Forero Rubiano
Tatiana Forero Rubiano

Tatiana viajó como mochilera por Canadá, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Chile y Brasil. Allí, mientras hacía una pasantía en Marketing Digital, descubrió su pasión para escribir sobre viajes. Desde 2018 se ha especializado en Content Marketing y, actualmente, es editora del blog de GrowPro.

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