Studying Abroad in Cork | Steps, Courses, and Requirements

Studying Abroad in Cork | Steps, Courses, and Requirements

Charlotte Koks
Charlotte Koks

Ireland is the land of whiskey, leprechauns, green valleys, enchanting waterfalls, and, of course, Guinness beer. Known for its magical culture, it offers excellent opportunities for those who decide to move there as students. With so much to its favor, selecting Ireland as a destination is quite easy. But, choosing the best city might not be as simple. That’s why we’ll tell you all the reasons why studying abroad in Cork. Read on and see why the second-largest city in the Emerald City may be your best choice.

Do you wish to study and work in Ireland? Discover your options here.

Why Studying Abroad in Cork is the Best Idea

First things first, what’s so great about Cork? That is a fair question. And, although we’d like to answer: everything! We will tell you a few of the top things first. It is the best place if you’re looking for the middle point between a big city and a relax one.

You should know that even though it is not a huge metropolis, like SydneyBarcelona, or Torontoit doesn’t mean it is boring. On the contrary, while studying abroad in Cork, you’ll have access to many attractions, nature and, yes, the best pubs in Ireland!

As mentioned before, Cork is the second-largest city in Ireland. So, studying here means encountering tons of young people looking for adventure in a calm, friendly setting.

There are plenty of attractions to see in Cork, besides its famous exciting nightlife. Furthermore, the cost of living is lower than in Dublin. Now that we mention it, the capital city is not far, only a three-hour ride away. 

If you’d like to get to know more about living in Cork, have a look at our article about it. There you’ll find more information on accommodation, cost of living and more. 

What to Study in Cork

It is always a good time to mention that Ireland’s education system is among the bests in Europe. Whether you’re looking for vocational courses or college education. Actually, what do you know? The University College of Cork (UCC) is one of the most prestigious universities. So, of course, while studying abroad in Cork, you’ll have access to a top-notch education.

Vocational and College Courses in Cork

The so-called VET (Vocational Education Training) are educational programs that offer certifications in different professional areas. They are relatively short and can be done with the Stamp 2 visa. 

On the other hand, the University Grade courses require previous studies before you can request a place. If you are interested in studying abroad in Cork to open a path in the work market, check out the ILEP catalog. There, you’ll find which programs allow you to obtain a work permit. For example, check out these options we have available for you!

How to Study in Cork

Now that you know what options you have to study in Cork and have the best time, comes the million-dollar question: How. For that, you have to meet certain requirements and follow some steps. Nothing fancy, but so you don’t get lost on the way, we will tell you about them below.

We can tell you now that the main requirement is to obtain your visa for Ireland. But here you have to stop because if you are from a member country of the European Union, we have good news. After all, you don’t need one!

For other nationalities, you do have to go through this procedure. But calm down, at GrowPro we take care of that so that you just enjoy your adventure. Meanwhile, this is how to study in Cork.

Requirements to Study in Cork

The requirements to study in Cork are similar to the rest of the Irish territory. Here they are in detail so you can have them ready. Take note!

School enrollment

To apply for your visa, you’ll have to prove that you are going to study in Cork. For that, you must choose the school or university where you want to do your courses. Once you pay, you receive a confirmation that must be kept for the next and most important step: the visa.

Study Visa

There are several types of visas to study in Cork. Besides, with the right visa, you’ll be able to work. All will depend on your academic program, goals, and how long do you want to stay. You can check if you need one on the government website.

The most requested visas by students are:

  • Tourist Visa (C): This allows you to stay in Ireland for a maximum of 90 days. It is useful and sufficient if, for example, you want to do an intensive course. What you can’t do with it is work.
  • Study and Work Visa (Stamp 2): If you’d rather study for a period longer than 25 weeks, this is the ideal visa for you. In addition to studying in Cork, you can legally work for 20 hours a week.
  • Working Holiday Visa: It is more of a work permit to study and work in Ireland and, of course, in Cork. The downside is that only a few countries can currently request it. Check here if your homeland is included! 

International Health Insurance

The coverage of an OSHC  is necessary for those who must apply for a visa. This applies both to study in Cork, in Ireland in general, or in any foreign country. More than recommended, it is mandatory to cover expenses in case of accidents, emergencies or sickness.


The Irish Residence Permit is a certificate that allows you to stay in Irish territory while studying and even to renew your stay. You request this once you are there. And it will be necessary to renew your visa if you decide to study in Cork for a period longer than three months. The cost: € 300.


Steps to Study in Cork

Did you get dizzy with the requirements because they are not your thing? Remember that here at GrowPro, we can advise and help you with all the paperwork. Thus, your focus will be to relax and enjoy the experience of studying in Cork. 

To support the noble cause of adventure, here we summarize the steps to make this dream a reality.

  1. Choose the educational experience that most appeals to you and enroll in the institution.
  2. Apply for your visa to study in Cork (in case you need one).
  3. Pack your bags and find the best flight to Ireland.
  4. File your IRP if you want to extend your stay and do more than study in Cork.

Go to Cork with GrowPro

GrowPro has a presence in destinations like AustraliaNew ZealandCanadaSpain, and now Ireland. Many people have fulfilled with us their goal of studying and working abroad. 

Our specialty is to give that push to your adventurous spirit to live international experiences far from your comfort zone. If you’re interested in studying abroad in Cork, choose your ideal experience on our webpage.

Then, fill out the form, and one of our Student Advisors will contact you shortly to discuss a personalized budget. Meanwhile, we have a lot of info on our blog, so check it out often to be up to date!
Make the most of your stay with our educational experiences and become a part of our great community of Growers!

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About the author

Charlotte Koks
Charlotte Koks

Hey there! My name is Charlotte, and I'm working as an International Project Manager at GrowPro Experience. My goal is to help students all around the world to live the experiences of a lifetime 🙌🏽. I'm trying to inspire students by means of telling the story of former growers, showing what we are doing at each destination and writing about our cities and tips on our blogs. I got a big passion for adventures, doing sports in the park, learning new languages and seeing new places 🌏. That's one of the reasons why I studied European Studies and why I currently work for GrowPro, to expand my horizons. Hopefully, I can inspire you to do the same!

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