Student Jobs In Barcelona | Find Your Ideal Position

Student Jobs In Barcelona | Find Your Ideal Position

Charlotte Koks
Charlotte Koks

Beyond its incredible architecture, centuries-old history, and exciting football, Barcelona is also known for being one of the most important business centers in Spain. Its business culture added to the countless co-working spaces, hubs, and incubators fill Barcelona with job opportunities. For this reason, more and more young foreigners are asking themselves: how to get student jobs in Barcelona?

To answer that question, we have created this post where we tell you how to work in Spain. Here, you will get to know some of the best jobs for foreign students in Barcelona. And, all the keys that will help you find the job of your dreams in this wonderful city.

Top 10 Student Jobs in Barcelona

Student jobs in Barcelona

It’s not a secret: Barcelona is a cosmopolitan city full of opportunities. Along with Madrid, Barcelona is one of the most important cities in Spain. So, it is only natural that companies constantly need to hire new employees. Also, working in Spain as a student may be a requirement to be able to complete your studies in the city.

Below, you’ll find the 10 trades and professions in which you can work in Barcelona!


Freelance work is a modality that has gained a lot of popularity among young people in recent years. And, throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become the go-to opportunity for companies and workers alike. This is because it allows people to work from anywhere, as long as they have an Internet connection. It has become more widespread in professional fields such as content creation, programming, design, translation, etc.

Being a freelancer is an excellent way to manage your time to your liking. Which will let you better organize yourself during your stay. A freelance job allows you to do all the activities you like, which would be more difficult with a 9 to 5 job. However, keep in mind that if you have a freelance job, you will have to be very disciplined.


An alternative to start gaining professional experience in your area is to work through an internship agreement or contract. These are the most common student jobs in Barcelona. If you choose to work this way, you’ll have to sign a three-party agreement. Your school, employer, and yourself will cosign. Remember that internships may or may not be paid. So, if you are looking to pay for your expenses for living in Barcelona, this may not be for you.

The contract can last from 2 months to 2 years. If you receive pay, it will correspond to the minimum wage (950 euros in 2021). There are also internship agreements for active students. Their duration can vary but usually range from 3 to 6 months. They will probably not be paid. However, keep in mind that they are a great way to pave your way towards bigger and better opportunities.

Store Clerk

There is no doubt that commerce bustles in every street in Barcelona. That’s why, from small businesses to large stores, there’s always an open position. Being a clerk or sales promoter are popular student jobs in Barcelona. It’s all about demonstrating the products you sell in front of the public.

You need to be outgoing, know how to talk to people, and be very empathetic to understand how what you sell can help customers. The best part is that to work in this area, you usually do not require previous experience or specialized knowledge. This job might be the one for you if you don’t have technical or professional training yet.


Barcelona has become one of the favorite cities for tourists from all over the world. Thus, the hospitality and tourism sector in Barcelona is quite a dynamic niche, especially during the holidays. Cooks, kitchen assistants, waiters, tourist entertainers, bartenders, as well as cleaners, are student jobs in high and constant demand.


Answering customer calls with the best disposition to solve their problems is the job of a phone operator. Although some consider it an exhausting job, being a telemarketer has lots of benefits.

For example, it allows you to gain communication skills, handle multiple languages and improve your sense of organization and responsibility. Working as a telemarketer is also a well-paid job, especially if you master both English and Spanish.

Employee in Trades

If you have knowledge in plumbing, masonry, carpentry, bakery, arts, or any other trade, you are sure to get one of the many student jobs in Barcelona. Trades are one of the most specialized jobs for students in Barcelona.

It is not common to find people with the skills to carve wood, make bread or paint works of art. It might be difficult to find a specific position for these skills. However, if you know how to search and have the right contacts, trades can be a good economic alternative.


Working as a babysitter is one of the student jobs in Barcelona that require lots of responsibility. Because, although it may seem simple, taking care of the well-being of children, requires all your skills, attention, and creativity. You have to be aware of their activities, tasks, meals, and games.

It can accommodate your schedules very well. Besides, it’s a well-paid job that will allow you to create strong ties with a local family. Thus, you can learn their customs from within and become part of a family.

Courier or delivery person

Being a courier or delivery person in Barcelona is a job that can pay well. It also allows you to discover the city while you walk its streets to deliver orders. If you want to work as a delivery person, you can usually ask in local businesses or register in messaging applications to start receiving orders right away.

Keep in mind that you may have to have your own bicycle, motorcycle, or scooter to get the job done.


If you have specific knowledge on a subject, like mathematics, languages, yoga, or anything else, you can offer personalized classes. You can go to schools, do mentoring for children, or offer your services through social networks. As it is not a permanent job with bosses, you can work hourly and when you need it.

Specialized jobs

If you are about to finish your studies, you may be looking for an option that suits your professional profile. Then, you’ll be glad to know that Barcelona is one of the most important cities in the country (economically speaking). So, it has quite an interesting offer for highly qualified workers.

Jobs in the areas of health, construction, business administration, sales, digital marketing, finance, and telecommunications are among the most demanded positions.

How to Find a Student Job in Barcelona

Finding student jobs in Barcelona

Finding a student job in Barcelona is easier than you think. Here, we leave you 6 options that you can explore right now to get that job you want.

Subscribe to platforms with student jobs in Barcelona

The easiest way, and perhaps the most efficient to find a job, is to register on platforms and web pages. Here, companies publish their vacancies. These pages have filters that will bring you closer to the offers that best suit your profile. You can find internships, remote, part-time, or full-time jobs. Some of these are:

However, if your interest is to find work as a freelancer, try these other ones:

Check the offers of the Public Employment Service for student jobs in Barcelona

The State’s Public Employment System or SEPE is an autonomous body that communicates job offers through its Empléate portal. On this portal, the almost 40,000 registered companies publish their job offers every day in different areas. The offers range from IT and telecommunications to administration. And, of course, the hotel and tourism industry.

SEPE has 759 offices located throughout Spain. So you can also go to one of its physical headquarters and receive free advice.

Do networking

Networking has never been as effective as in this age. Take advantage of the contacts you have made at the university, talk to everyone. Talk to your professors, your colleagues, or your superiors if you are doing an internship. Check among your contacts all those profiles that can help you find a job in your area. Buy them a coffee… you never know what could come of that!

Also, you can check with your close friends who are employed. Ask them if they know of any job offers for you. They will be happy to help you find a student job in Barcelona.

Hand in your CV to the companies and shops of your interest

Another good idea is to prepare the best CV you can make. And then, deliver it to local businesses, shops, bars, or restaurants that are hiring employees.

Next, arm yourself with courage and visit the companies where you would like to work. There you can leave your CV waiting for there to be a vacancy in your area. Many employers welcome these initiatives by young people.

Publish your profile on social networks

Take advantage of social networks for more than just sharing your best moments with your friends. For example, on Facebook, you can complete your profile with your studies, some certifications, or your past jobs. In this social network, there are groups where many local shops and companies publish their offers.

If you want to be more specialized, you can open an account on LinkedIn. This site allows you to share your experience and post content to be more noticeable. In the same way, you will have access to interesting job offers. If you create an interesting enough profile, companies might start chasing you instead of the other way around!

Boards in your educational institution with student jobs in Barcelona

It is possible that your university or your institute has internship agreements or employment exchanges (for graduates). This will facilitate your entry into the labor market. Go to the address of your educational center and ask about their job boards.

Furthermore, educational centers usually hold job fairs. These offer the opportunity to directly deliver your CV to large companies in the most varied sectors.

How to Choose a Student Job in Barcelona

Selecting student jobs in Barcelona

Sometimes, students end up in a job they dislike. Maybe due to lack of experience or the desire to find work as soon as possible. The worst part about these jobs is that they drain your energy.

And, without energy, you won’t be able to enjoy your time in Barcelona! Even worse, the job probably doesn’t pay well. To avoid this, it is important that, before applying for student jobs in Barcelona, you take into account the following aspects.

Keys to selecting student jobs in Barcelona

  • Your reason to work. Whether it is because you want to be more independent or you need a job to cover your expenses. Or maybe it is because you want to gain more experience in your area or broaden your CV. Defining why you are going to work will help you make decisions.
  • Free time. If you work to have enough money to travel, take art courses or enjoy the nightlife, you will need a job that gives you the time to do these activities, don’t you think? So, find a job with plenty of free time.
  • Salary. On the other hand, if you work to save money, the previous question is invalid. Then, try for a job that pays quite well, even if your free time is reduced.

Evaluating these 3 aspects is essential to choose your ideal job, one that meets your expectations.


Advice on Finding Student Jobs in Barcelona


As an international student, you are surely wondering how feasible it is to find student jobs in Barcelona. Well, we assure you that it is not as complex as it seems. Still, here we share our best tips for you to have a successful search.

Comply with all the requirements for working in Spain

It obviously starts with having the correct visa to work. But, this is only the first step to work legally in Spain. The student visa allows you to work part-time through an internship agreement. For this, you must know how your school manages the process.

Furthermore, you will have to process your Foreigner Identity Card, get your Social Security Number and open your bank account. These procedures will make you a more attractive worker for employers. Employers are glad to see you have all these papers because it means less paperwork for them.

Prepare a winning CV

The CV is your letter of introduction to your new employer. It is the first thing they will know about you. Therefore, you must be able to transmit your experience, knowledge, intentions, and personality.

You must be creative and send a CV adjusted to the offer of each employer. Remember that Barcelona is one of the most important business centers in Spain and Europe. The competition is high. That’s why you need to stand out, be concise, and attract attention.

Work on your attitude

Student jobs in Barcelona are for those who are proactive, cheerful, and display an excellent attitude. The worst thing that can happen is that they say no to you. But that is also a great opportunity. Through that, you learn not to be afraid of rejection. And you will be ready to launch yourself on a new search.

Be constant and persistent

It is possible that during the first days, even in the first weeks, your search will be fruitless. Don’t be discouraged! Although the Barcelona labor market is competitive, it does not mean that there are not opportunities for everyone.

Constantly check the platforms and job boards in search of new opportunities that fit your profile. Remember that employers receive lots of CVs so they will have the time (and patience) to review only the first ones. Therefore, it is important to be on the lookout for new offers open and apply in the first place.

If you still don’t get results, change your CV. Highlight your most unique skills or apply for positions in new companies. Seek to differentiate yourself. We assure you that the fight will be worth it.

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About the author

Charlotte Koks
Charlotte Koks

Hey there! My name is Charlotte, and I'm working as an International Project Manager at GrowPro Experience. My goal is to help students all around the world to live the experiences of a lifetime 🙌🏽. I'm trying to inspire students by means of telling the story of former growers, showing what we are doing at each destination and writing about our cities and tips on our blogs. I got a big passion for adventures, doing sports in the park, learning new languages and seeing new places 🌏. That's one of the reasons why I studied European Studies and why I currently work for GrowPro, to expand my horizons. Hopefully, I can inspire you to do the same!

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