Best Country for International Students to Study and Work Abroad

Best Country for International Students to Study and Work Abroad

Tatiana Forero Rubiano
Tatiana Forero Rubiano

What is the best country for international students to study and work in? We have all asked ourselves this question when we plan to emigrate or spend some time abroad. That’s why we present you with this ranking of the 10 ideal destinations to study and gain work experience.

Our choice is not random. We have based the positions according to the QS Best Students Cities Report made every year by Top Universities. Also according to the Best Countries Report by US News.

So have a seat, bring your coffee, and let’s discover your next world travel destination together. Here we go!

Which is the best country for international students to study and work? You choose!

There is something that interests us all when we want to travel. We wish to know the opportunities to study and work abroad. According to El País, in 2006 only 37% of companies valued international studies and experiences. By 2016 it was 64%. Can you imagine what the percentage could be today?

So with that in mind, let’s get down to business. Within this list is the best country for international students to study and work, offering an incredible experience abroad. Find yours!

1. Japan: Greetings to the land of the sun!

In the first position is Japan. This destination always ranks as the best country to study and work within the rankings that measure the best educational systems in the world. What is its success? For sure, it is the capacity for innovation and discipline that the Japanese have.

Do you know what soka is?

It is an educational model based on happiness. Here, "value creation" matters. And, although it is not replicated throughout the country, this model proves that the Japanese highlight the quality of their education.

For example, the University of Tokyo was ranked 32th in the QS Global World University Rankings.

What about jobs? Although still a conservative country in terms of immigration, it has new offers to attract talent. Especially those who want to work in the techno-motive area. The average annual salary is 42,853 €!

So, with this information, it’s time to pack your bags and travel to the country of sake and sushi. For sure, it is one of the best countries for international students to study and work in the world. Besides, you will have the perfect excuse to visit those wonderful tourist places in Japan that make this destination a very special place.

2. Australia: Study English abroad while surfing

The second best country for international students to study and work is Australia.

You probably have it on your radar because it is one of the best surfing destinations. Or because it is home to koalas, kangaroos, and other Australian animals. But, besides all the fun you can have, studying and working in Australia can open many doors.

Also, it is one of the favorite destinations to learn English. Besides, 10 Australian universities are among the top 100 universities in the world according to QS World University Rankings 2025.

The best about this destination is that you can study and work at the same time. To do this, you must apply for a Student Visa or a Work and Holiday Visa Australia. However, consider that other Australian visas also allow it.

Keep in mind that while you are studying you can only work 24 hours per week. If you are on vacation it will be 48 hours per week.

And the salary? The average salary (different from the minimum) is between 54,520 €.


3. Switzerland: Welcome to the land of chocolate!

In Switzerland, there are 4 official languages! Depending on where you are going to live, you will have to use French, German, Italian, and… Romansh. Only 0.5% of the Swiss speak Romansh.

Well, why is Switzerland in the third position in this ranking of the best countries for international students to study and work? Although two Swiss universities are among the 100 best in the world, the cost of living for a student is expensive.

For example, the rent for a 45-meter apartment in a normal area of the country is around 1,350 USD. In another country like Australia, with similar characteristics, it is between 900 and 1,000 USD. This comparison also applies to services such as the Internet: Switzerland 100 USD and Australia 45 USD.

Despite its high cost of living, it is one of the countries with the lowest unemployment rate. It also offers opportunities for foreigners to work. However, each year it opens a limit of vacancies, as it gives priority to EU citizens.

4. England: Meet the fourth best country for international students to study and work.

In the fourth position as the best country for international students to study and work we land in the home of tea. Yes, in England. This land of soccer occupies the first position of the Qs Best Student Cities of 2024. None other than for the favorite city of many: London!

However, throughout the country, you will find some of the best universities in the UK. In fact, 16 of them are among the top 100 universities in the world. This is the country where knowledge is projected the most!

In terms of cost of living, it is also one of the most expensive destinations to live in. For a 45-meter apartment in a normal area, you pay 1,100 USD. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a fantastic experience.

5. Canada: The best winter sports are here

That’s right, Canada is one of the best destinations for winter sports. It is also the fifth best country for international students to study and work. One of its advantages is that it is one of the 13 countries with more than one official language.

So, if you want to learn English abroad and you also want to study French, this is an option you cannot miss. First of all, because the advantages of being bilingual are many: better job opportunities, avoiding mental illnesses, increased creativity…

Second, you will have access to a good educational system, as four of Canada’s universities are among the best 100 in the world. And, third, by studying in Canada you will be part of an incredible multicultural policy that protects the diversity of the country, a law since 1971!

So, the only thing left for us to do is to keep encouraging you to get to know this amazing destination. Click on the banner and check out our experiences. Do you want to work in Canada? Sure! It is a powerhouse in the service sector and the fifth-largest oil producer in the world.


6. Germany: Best country for international students to study, work, and have fun

Known for its brewing tradition and delicious sausages, home of the hamburger, in the sixth position is Germany.

You have probably heard some people saying that Germany is one of the most popular destinations among students. They are not wrong. Munich ranks fifth in the list of the best university cities of 2024, which is usually where everyone who wants to study in Germany comes to!

Its fame is mainly due to its educational system, designed in excellence. What few know is that it all starts in childhood. There are 3 models of training: gymnasium, to access university, and Realschule or Hauptschule to obtain a technical education. This is their secret!

The unemployment rate is now 4.5%, one of the lowest in the world. If you plan to work in Germany, congratulations! They have just passed the immigration law for skilled workers to hire medical personnel, engineers, and MINT professionals (mathematics, sciences…).

7. United States: Study and work in a country of opportunities

From Germany, we go straight to the land of Marvel, the magical world of Disney and Hollywood! Ranking in position number 7, the United States appears as the best country for international students to study and work. In the list of Top Universities for the best university cities, it occupies the 10th position with Boston.

If your dream has always been to live in the United States, these reasons are important. Here you will find 200 world-class universities. Some of them are as important as MIT or Harvard. If you consider yourself a successful entrepreneurial type, you should go straight to Silicon Valley, the technological and business epicenter.

The highest-paying jobs in the U.S. are in the areas of technology development, science, and medicine. If you combine knowledge in these areas, for example in a master’s degree abroad to learn biotechnology, you will be unstoppable!

8. South Korea: Meet one of the best educational systems in the world.

In 8th position is the country of K-pop and skincare. For 2019, sales in the cosmetic industry were estimated at more than 4.4 billion euros in this last economic sector. Other important sources come from companies such as Samsung, making it one of the strongest economies.

If this surprises you, wait until we tell you about South Korea’s education system. The superstars are the teachers. Their role in society is so crucial that they are highly respected members. Some of them earn more than a celebrity. Although this can be one of the most stressful jobs in the world.

From the QS Best Cities, Seoul, the capital, ranks 3rd. Interested in this best country for international students to study and work? To do so, you must obtain permission from the government, which allows you to stay in the country for up to three years. Like everything else, it depends on whether you meet the requirements.

9. New Zealand: Learn English in a fun way

In the ninth position is the Kiwi country. It is the best country for international students to study and work in because it is a journey to discovery. Not only because of its beautiful beaches but also because it offers different adventures to all those who take the risk to study and work in New Zealand.

It can all start with enrollment at the University of Auckland, ranked 65th of the top 100 universities on the planet. And it might end with a tour of the South Pacific islands.

These islands are where Christmas begins and ends.

If you don’t know what we are talking about, check out this article on what to see in New Zealand. You will see why it is one of the best places to learn English and to gain work experience. As in Australia, here you can apply for the Working Holiday Visa New Zealand or other types of work visas.

In addition to this, the cost of living is much cheaper than in Australia, as you require approximately 1100 USD per month to support yourself. Of course! This depends on your lifestyle. To get the most out of this experience, why don’t you check out our proposals, they are very cool!


10. France: Live in one of the best countries to study and work.

And we end our ranking of the best destinations to study and work with France, one of the most important tourist destinations. In 2017 it received about 34 million visitors. Among the nationalities that visit Paris, the most are Americans, English, Chinese, Germans, and Spaniards, in that same order.

The magic found in the French capital is so powerful that it ranks as the seventh most attractive student city for foreigners. One of the best French universities is Universitè PSL. However, Institut Polytechnique de Paris and Sorbonne University are among the top 100 in the world.

Keep in mind that in the French territory, the unemployment rate is close to 10%. It is a high figure compared to other of the best countries to study and work. But, don’t be discouraged, there are several options for student jobs. For that reason, it appears as another country to study and work.

If you want to know how to study in some of these countries, this free guide is what you are looking for! Here, we give you information about courses, cities, requirements, and more so you can plan your trip soon.

Study and work in the best countries with GrowPro

If after reading our article on the best countries to study and work you want to get out of any doubt, let’s get to work! At GrowPro, our job is to help you make it happen.

Secure your future by studying a high-demand career abroad! Select your preferred destination and fill out a contact form. Soon, you’ll receive tailored advice from our Student Advisors.

Get on the adventure and show the world what you’re made of. Here we are your best accomplices to accompany you every step of the way, see you!

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About the author

Tatiana Forero Rubiano
Tatiana Forero Rubiano

Tatiana viajó como mochilera por Canadá, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Chile y Brasil. Allí, mientras hacía una pasantía en Marketing Digital, descubrió su pasión para escribir sobre viajes. Desde 2018 se ha especializado en Content Marketing y, actualmente, es editora del blog de GrowPro.

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