What To Do Before Traveling | The 10 Commandments of Smart Traveling

What To Do Before Traveling | The 10 Commandments of Smart Traveling

Charlotte Koks
Charlotte Koks

Are you about to go on a journey? How exciting! Surely, you can’t wait to take the first step of this life-changing adventure. Keep calm and don’t rush! To enjoy a hassle-free experience, it is best to use previous days to organize the trip. You don’t want to forget something and have it complicate everything, do you? To help you out, we present the final checklist, which includes everything you must do before traveling.

The last days before a trip can be exhausting. Especially if you are new to crossing borders, it is normal to feel a confusing whirlwind of emotions. As if this were not enough, you need to leave everything resolved at home. Phew! At GrowPro, traveling is our religion and we have learned there are 10 things you cannot forget on any trip. So, join us to see what you should do before traveling.

What To Do Before Traveling | The 10 Commandments of Smart Adventures

So, you’ve bought the tickets and think that means you’re all set for the trip? Wrong! This is a serious mistake. There are many other things to consider before heading to the airport. And, trust us you don’t want to miss any of them. Clothing, documentation, accommodation…This list covers the most important points. Take note and then, onward to your adventure!

Make a list of things you must bring before traveling

what to do before traveling

In the days before the trip, it is essential that you write a list of the things you must bring. Never do it at the last minute! Furthermore, put it in a visible place, like the door of your refrigerator. Go over it every day. And, if you realize you’ve forgotten something, go ahead and write it down right away.
It does not matter that you are not yet on the stage putting all those things in the bag. By having them on a list, you will be able to think ahead of time for anything that might be missing. Oh, and to make it easier for you not to forget anything, classify the items in categories. They can be clothing; hygiene and health; technology; documents (includes credit cards that you must enable); and others.

Hire travel insurance

One of the most important things to do before traveling is to purchase international health insurance. This is not a whim or an exaggeration. In fact, having travel insurance is a mandatory requirement to enter many countries. So take the time to compare prices and options. And choose the one that best suits your needs and possibilities. Keep in mind that some credit cards offer free travel insurance, so call and ask.

Protect your home before traveling

To enjoy the trip, it is important to free your mind of worries and, one of them is that you will leave your house alone for several days. Therefore, a prudent idea is to install a perimeter alarm in your home. You will have motion detectors and security cameras that you can monitor from the comfort of your mobile. It is a minimal investment compared to the peace of mind that you will gain.

Bag or backpack?

Types of traveler: adventurer

The type of luggage says a lot about the traveler who uses it. You will have to choose between carrying a bag, a suitcase or a backpack. And that will depend on what kind of trip you intend to do. If you plan to walk a lot, do not hesitate; a backpack is your best option. When it comes to transporting it, it will be much more practical. On the other hand, a suitcase or bag is ideal for short trips without much movement.

Book accommodation (at least) for the first night before traveling.

Maybe you like improvised adventures and think that booking accommodation is a bourgeois habit. Perhaps. However, we recommend that when you arrive in a city, you have somewhere to sleep. At least for the first night.
Keep in mind that travel is exhausting. So you will want to arrive, have a place to leave your luggage, take a shower and get some rest. It is not pleasant to arrive in an unfamiliar city just to discover that there are few rooms available. And then, have to walk the streets, with your luggage in tow, looking for a place to sleep. On the second day you will have time to visit the city and, if you want, change your accommodation.

Find out how to exit the airport before traveling

Each airport is a different world. Some are perfectly connected and allow you to go to the city center by metro. We can only wish they were all like that. However, there are some that have terrible public transport. And the only option is taxis, which are on the hunt for unsuspecting travelers. Therefore, before traveling is to find out how you will get out of the airport where you will arrive. That way, you’ll avoid spending extra money or traveling all over the place looking for transport that does not exist.

Study abroad with these experiences

Clear your cellphone’s memory

Yes, we regret to announce that the tedious moment has come to empty the memory of your mobile. You really don’t want to finally be in front of the Eiffel Tower without enough storage to take a selfie. So you have two options: look over each one of the files and delete the ones you no longer need. Or connect the memory to a computer, download everything to your hard disk or the cloud. There, your content can sit unseen for many more years 😉

Check your documentation before traveling

Revisar la documentación de viaje.

Having the necessary documentation is another fundamental aspect of any trip. Also, it is one of the most complex. You should take into account if you require a passport, visa, bank statements, and even vaccination certificates. Keep in mind that many documents have expiration dates or can be used only a certain number of times, like some visas.
We know, it is a cumbersome topic and not fun at all. But it is an essential step to take before traveling. So, don’t skip it!

Overcome your fears before traveling

A list of what to do before traveling could not be complete without a section on fears. Traveling is the most enriching activity we know of. And to a large extent, it is because it forces us to leave our comfort zone. Steel is not forged by stroking it, but by striking it against an anvil over and over again. You can be afraid of flying, of loneliness, of unknown people … It does not matter, you will have to face your fears and, if you follow these tricks to achieve it, you will surely do it successfully.

Download maps and apps

The last item on our checklist is for you to download apps to travel. You may not have mobile data later or it will be expensive to use it. Therefore, you can go ahead and download everything you need before you leave. These applications will allow you to book accommodation and flights, translate texts and even take incredible photos. Keep in mind that with applications like MAPS.ME, you can even download the map of any city to your mobile, and then use it without an internet connection.

Travel worry-free with GrowPro

We know, preparing for a trip is cumbersome. That’s why, here at GrowPro we have made it our specialty to take care of the most burdensome steps, like documentation. So you don’t have to think about it and focus on having fun! If you decide to let us help you organize your next adventure, we will advise you on every step. You just have to choose the ideal experience for you, and we take care of the rest. So choose the course that you like the most and don’t make any more excuses. After all, no one lives forever.

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About the author

Charlotte Koks
Charlotte Koks

Hey there! My name is Charlotte, and I'm working as an International Project Manager at GrowPro Experience. My goal is to help students all around the world to live the experiences of a lifetime 🙌🏽. I'm trying to inspire students by means of telling the story of former growers, showing what we are doing at each destination and writing about our cities and tips on our blogs. I got a big passion for adventures, doing sports in the park, learning new languages and seeing new places 🌏. That's one of the reasons why I studied European Studies and why I currently work for GrowPro, to expand my horizons. Hopefully, I can inspire you to do the same!

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