Study in Dublin: Discover the Top Reasons, Courses, and Requirements

Study in Dublin: Discover the Top Reasons, Courses, and Requirements

Tatiana Forero Rubiano
Tatiana Forero Rubiano

If your soul thirsts for adventure, study in Dublin! This experience will leave you more than satisfied because Ireland is a country with a lot of goodness and its capital is the icing on the cake.

At GrowPro we work in many cities around the world, but Dublin occupies a very special place. Why? The kindness and simplicity of Dubliners make studying in this amazing city one of the best experiences for young people looking for an unforgettable adventure.

Sure, Dublin has it all: quality of life, first-class education, contact with nature and parties… lots of parties. But well, enough introductions, there is no time to waste. An incredible adventure awaits you if you decide to live in Dublin, even if it’s just for a while, read on!

Reasons to study in Dublin

Dublin has become, more and more, the preferred place to study English. In addition to offering enough cultural diversity, it offers a youthful atmosphere that makes many people decide to study for a while or even stay to work at the same time.

Studying in Ireland’s capital city offers you all kinds of experiences. We’ll take you on a tour of Dublin and tell you what the city is like, so you’ll know if it’s the perfect place for you among other cities in Ireland. Will you join us?

Learning English in a fun and easy way

There are counties in Ireland where more than 50% of the population speaks Gaelic. However, the vast majority of international students choose Dublin because English is spoken there.

If this is also your case, Dublin will be great for you. Learning English in Dublin is easier than learning English in your own country because you can test your knowledge in the supermarket, in the hostel, in a pub, everywhere!

Whether you decide to study English, an undergraduate degree or a vocational course, by the end of your studies your English will have improved dramatically. You will undoubtedly be amazed at the fluency you will achieve in Dublin.


Finding spaces in contact with nature

Ireland has always been an island of fertile land and lush vegetation, which is why it is called the Emerald Isle. Among its natural attractions, the most outstanding are the Cliffs of Moher.

If you decide to study in Dublin you will be able to see this amazing rock wall that is 8 kilometers long and reaches the height of a 70-story building, so don’t go near the edge.

But Ireland is full of amazing places, such as the Ring of Kerry and Killarney National Park. All of them are ideal places to relax during a weekend getaway.

Enjoying a superior quality of education

Dublin is characterized as one of the safest cities in Europe. In that sense, you can rest assured that there is nothing to fear.

On the other hand, the quality of education in Ireland is of high quality and has institutions of great prestige. No matter what you decide to study, your CV will add many points, since the certificate you obtain will have international validity.

Proficiency in English is useful for any professional career and, if you are studying a degree or vocational course, you always have the option of working in Ireland and staying for longer. Or why not dream big and stay as a permanent resident?

Meet the best party places

If you study in Dublin you will live party nights with people from all over the world. Being a place where multiculturalism is part of its charm, you will be able to drink, dance, and sing all the time practicing your English. No shame and lots of fun.

Above all, you won’t be able to say no when it comes to mingling and drinking a delicious pint of Guinness. By the way, in another article, we already told you what our top 10 must-see places in Dublin are. Shall we review some of them to keep feeding the reasons? Check it out:

  • The Temple Bar. This is the place where the typical Irish pub was born and later exported to the rest of the world. This pub was founded in 1840, and having a few pints there is a trip to the heart of Irish culture.
  • Trinity College. Remember we said that in Ireland there are prestigious institutions of the highest level? Trinity College, the university founded in 1592, is one of them. The writer Oscar Wilde studied there, just imagine!
  • St. Patrick’s Cathedral. It is the patron saint of Ireland and, as such, has the largest cathedral in the country. Its style attracts thousands of tourists. In addition, it is located in the historic center of Dublin, one of the most picturesque areas of the city.

Make friends from all over the world

Dublin is characterized by a very active nightlife, which makes it a perfect city to meet new friends or start a romantic adventure. Of course, it is the Irish city with the most students and it shows!

Throughout the year, Dublin hosts many festivals, for example: TradFest (January), St. Patrick’s Festival (March), Dublin Drink Mixer (April), Irish Gin Tonic Fest (June), Beatyard (August), and Oktoberbest (October).

What can I study in Dublin?

In Dublin, you can study English and interesting vocational, undergraduate, and postgraduate courses.

There are many options when it comes to studying in Dublin but take it easy. We’ll go over them all here. Take note:

English courses in Dublin

Ireland is among the best countries to study English. Therefore, you are guaranteed that Dublin has the most prestigious institutes in Europe.

Moreover, the fact of living in a foreign country is a huge plus when it comes to learning English. Of course, you have to choose the course that best suits your objectives. Do you want to know them? There are four!

  • Intensive English course. From two weeks to six months, that is how long an intensive English course in Dublin can last. They are ideal for those who want to perfect their language skills, especially speaking. You can click here to see if it fits your needs.
  • General English. Studying a general English course in Dublin will allow you to delve deeper into English. In addition to speaking, you will cover grammar and writing. Another benefit is that they are very affordable and allow you to work part-time from the time you arrive until you leave the country! Would you like to live in Dublin? Then you know what to do: here is the link to learn all about this fabulous experience.
  • Official exam preparation programs. There are times when you need to certify your knowledge of English, either to get a job or to go to a university. In these cases, some courses prepare you to pass the exam of your choice. Let us help you get your official certificate!
  • Business English. Finally, you can study in Dublin an English course for business. These programs are very up-to-date and focused on the world of work and business.

Study a vocational course in Dublin

We have reached the “crème de la crème” when it comes to courses. These are top-notch vocational courses that can open the doors to the job of your dreams. The programs prepare you to obtain technical degrees in in-demand careers and get you into the job market quickly.

5 basic requirements for studying in Dublin

Once you have decided what you want to study in Dublin and which course you want, it is time to know the five requirements you must meet. Shall we see them?

Applying for a visa or residency

If you have a European passport, you can skip this whole section. You have everything you need to get on the plane and study in Dublin.

If not, you may be from a visa-exempt country. You can visit the official website of the Department of Justice and check it out.

In any case, it is likely that if you do a course that lasts less than three months, you will not need a visa. But check just in case and, if you need it, here is a complete article about visas for Ireland.

Consider this

If you want support with the procedures, at GrowPro we can help you! When you book one of our experiences, our visa team is in charge of managing your student visa.

Enroll in a course

Before traveling to Dublin, you must have enrolled in a course offered by an authorized institution. This is a requirement that many international students who decide to study in Dublin often forget, so pay attention.

The institution you want to attend must be on the Interim List of Eligible Programs (ILEP). A course offered by a school, college, or university that is not on the ILEP will not work for you.

Verify financial solvency

If you come from a country that does not require a visa, you will have to prove that you have about €3,000 in the bank or more, in case you stay more than three months. In case you enter Ireland with a visa, that amount goes up to €7,000.

International health insurance

This requirement is essential to study in Dublin, both because it is required by the immigration authorities and for your peace of mind. As an international student from a non-EU country, you will not be able to access the Irish public health service.

Therefore, you should have international medical insurance for your entire stay. That way, you will be covered for any eventuality.

Take official English exams

Finally, you may have to prove your level of English. This is particularly true for vocational courses or degree programs offered by universities in Dublin.

The requirements vary depending on the university, so if you have any doubts, click on any of our experiences and we will be happy to help you.


Where to live as a student in Dublin?

If you plan to stay several months in Dublin, this section will be very useful (and necessary). The first thing you should know is that Dublin is divided into two areas -North and South-, separated by the Liffey River.

In addition, Dublin is divided into 24 postal districts numbered from 1… to 24. All the even-numbered districts are in the South Zone and the odd-numbered districts are in the North Zone. Are you with us? Now comes the interesting part…

In the past, the North was the poor part of Dublin, where the working classes lived. But that has changed in recent decades, and today the most sought-after areas are those closest to the River Liffey. They are the most picturesque and the most expensive neighborhoods.

Dublin has about one million inhabitants, but it is not that big and places of interest for visitors are usually within a few blocks of the city center.

Dublin’s best neighborhoods

As in many cities, each neighborhood in Dublin has its characteristics. However, as a student, it is best if your accommodation is close to your place of study.

  • That said, Temple Bar (District 2) concentrates much of the nightlife and tourist activity in the city. It is a youthful neighborhood full of students.
  • St. Stephen’s Green is next to Temple Bar and within the same district, but is a much quieter area. It is within walking distance of Dublin’s most beautiful parks and Trinity College.
  • For its part, Christchurch (District 8) is home to several historic sites of Dublin, St. Patrick’s Cathedral among them. It is touristy, but at night it is quite quiet. It is considered the heart of Dublin.
  • Finally, we will mention Drumcondra, a neighborhood a little further away and belonging to District 9. It is difficult for a tourist to get so far from the center, although it is only a 20-minute walk away. It is a relatively inexpensive neighborhood and well-stocked with bars.

Study in Dublin with GrowPro!

Well, how did you like Dublin and the possibility of studying there? We are very excited about the idea of you doing it. At GrowPro we are specialists in getting young people to fulfill their dream of living abroad.

If you are planning to stay for a longer period, what better way to take advantage of the opportunity to add some color to your career? Choose what to study from our wide range of experiences and see why Dublin is a place full of opportunities. Fill in your details and find out more with our personalized advice.

An offer is hard to refuse, isn’t it? We hope to see you soon walking the streets of Dublin and invite you to a Guinness, see you!

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About the author

Tatiana Forero Rubiano
Tatiana Forero Rubiano

Tatiana viajó como mochilera por Canadá, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Chile y Brasil. Allí, mientras hacía una pasantía en Marketing Digital, descubrió su pasión para escribir sobre viajes. Desde 2018 se ha especializado en Content Marketing y, actualmente, es editora del blog de GrowPro.

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