Student Jobs in Madrid | Tips, How to Choose, and Where to Find One

Student Jobs in Madrid | Tips, How to Choose, and Where to Find One

Charlotte Koks
Charlotte Koks

If you’ve decided that you want to study and work in Spain, you will find the perfect opportunity to give your first steps into the professional world. Join us to discover the best student jobs in Madrid and learn some tricks that will help you to find yours.

Student jobs in Madrid are part-time, and many times have flexible schedules. Now, bear in mind that wages go accordingly. However, it is also true that as a student, your expenses might not be very high.

If you are an international student considering living in Madrid, make sure that you comply with the requirements to study in Spain before anything else. If you are in Madrid already, this article will help you find a job that will allow you to gain experience and make some extra money, which will be great for you.

Student Jobs in Madrid

There are many good reasons to live in Spain: language, climate, culture, and food, only to mention a few. Madrid is a top choice among international students because of its condition as the national capital, its tourist attractions, and its high-quality educational institutions.

Even though the cost of living in the capital city is somewhat higher than it is in other Spanish cities, it offers a lot more student job opportunities. Let’s find out what are the most popular ones along with their pros and cons.

Hospitality & Gastronomy

Madrid is a quintessential tourist city, and therefore you may find a variety of positions as a receptionist, waiter, or catering assistant at five-star hotels. These jobs are highly-demanding, but you can get hired promptly. Also, if you are studying a Tourism-related course, you can aspire to be in charge of a work team.

Chefs are in great demand, either for working in restaurants or at private events. As a cook, you will have a lot of responsibilities but maybe a higher salary. Don’t forget other student jobs in Madrid, such as bartender, barista, or sommelier.

Language Teacher

Madrid allows you to teach that area of knowledge you feel so passionate about. From Technical Drawing, Mathematics, Language and Literature, to Physics, French, English, History, Geography, Biology, or any subject you may think of.

Working as a private tutor will demand from 4 to 30 hours per week. The hourly fees range from 8 and 35 euros. This type of job might require a college degree or a high school diploma. However, you will have more chances if you are a college student or a graduate in areas related to the subjects you want to teach.

Au Pair

The Word ‘Au Pair’ refers to a person who provides household help, such as taking care of the children or teaching them languages. In return, the employer offers room and board.

This job is ideal for students since it covers those two basic necessities and doesn’t require previous experience. Nonetheless, you must have a good rapport with children, be responsible, and stick to the rules of the house.

NGO Promoter

If you are outgoing, not afraid of starting conversations with new people, and enjoy working outdoors, becoming a non-governmental organization (NGO) promoter might be your ideal job.

Your working sites will be busy streets, train stations, shopping centers, and any location where there is a heavy flow of people. Your work will consist of communicating the NGO activities and finding new members.

In Madrid, this type of work offers a fixed salary of over 900 euros per month, and you will have to cover 25 hours per week. Additionally, NGOs offer a goal-based incentive system, promising a salary of 1,100 up to 2,000 euros.

Mystery Shopper

A mystery shopper is someone a business owner hires to pretend to be a client. The task is evaluating the service and general customer experience.

This practice is more common than you can imagine. Visiting a business and writing a report on it pays around 8 euros. If you enjoy spy movies and don’t mind unmasking lazy employees, this student job in Madrid is for you.


Modeling agencies look for males and females, with or without experience. They offer work in campaigns, runways, publicity, catalogs, and television. A requisite is to have completed secondary education, and the working hours usually are part-time or during the weekends. You can make from 300 to 1,000 euros a month.


Working as a freelancer has its perks. You work from home by the hour, and you can choose the projects you like. It sounds good, doesn’t it? Even better, if you already work as a freelancer, you can still do so as you study in Madrid.

The most-wanted positions are Community Manager, Graphic designer, Programmer, Copywriter, and Photographer, just to mention a few.

Public Relations

Night clubs, clothing stores, restaurants… the field for a public relations agent is endless. This job will give you the chance to meet hundreds of people. Besides, speaking English or any other language is a plus.

These jobs are not highly paid, but they will help you meet the right people who might open a door for new employment opportunities.

Interested in the Marketing or Journalism field? Check out the programs we have designed for you!??

Delivery Guy

More and more businesses are offering delivery services. If you are street-smart and love riding a bicycle, you should consider becoming a delivery guy.

This student job in Madrid will enable you to get to know the city by delivering food, supermarket shopping, and products of all kinds. Note that in some cases you will need to get a special permit, for example, if you want to go around by motorbike.

Internship Agreement Work for Students

Many students in Madrid can work only part-time through an internship agreement. The advantage of internships is that they relate to the specific area you are studying.

These agreements are signed by the student, the school or university, and a company. The three parties sign a contract that stipulates working hours, duration of the internship (which usually lasts between 1 and 6 months), and the tasks to be carried out.

You have to keep in mind that companies are not obligated to pay you, so some internships are ad-honorem. Otherwise, as a student, you should register with the social security administration before starting. Usually, an income tax withholding of 2% (IRPF) applies to individuals.

In some cases, an internship is a requirement to obtain the degree you came to Spain for. Other times, it is the student’s decision to gain experience, which is crucial for their professional development. If you are in Spain on a student visa, this might be the only way you have to gain expertise and enter Spain’s labor market.


Where to Find Student Jobs in Madrid

There are dozens of Websites where you can look for student jobs in Madrid. Perhaps the most specialized is StudentJob.

This site allows you to filter ads per category, such as internships, professional jobs, summer jobs, weekend jobs, volunteering, positions that require no experience, and home office jobs.

There are other sites where you can search, like Jooble, Indeed, Linkedin, and InfoJobs.

How to Choose a Student Job in Madrid

students in Spain

When it comes to choosing a job in Madrid, you must keep in mind that you are a student, which means you are going through a learning process. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, a wrong can sometimes teach you more than a right.

Besides, any student job in Madrid you take will be temporary. Having said that, here we share with you some pieces of advice that will help you make the most of your job searching experience.

Studying is your priority

Keep in mind that your working hours must allow you to do so. The perfect job should be part-time or have a flexible schedule.

Try to have a job relatively close to home

Time will be a valuable asset. If getting to your workplace requires two-hour commuting, not only will you spend money, you will also waste time. You should also have in mind that your job might not even be remunerated.

Apply for jobs in the areas you enjoy

Maybe you come across a better paying job as a delivery guy or au pair, but if gastronomy is what you like, don’t hesitate to become a waiter, even for lower pay. That could be your springboard to other positions, such as barista, bartender, or cook.

Personality matters!

If you are a more introverted type and prefer working in small teams, you might want to consider working as an accountant, programmer, or massage therapist. On the other hand, if your personality is more outgoing, insurance agent, entrepreneur, model, or party animator are jobs that will suit you better.

Tips on Finding a Job for Students in Madrid

jobs for students in Madrid

In GrowPro, we’ve successfully helped many young people to live studying experiences in Spain. In addition to providing consulting services on visa applications and paperwork, we also facilitate orientation to find the perfect student job in Madrid and other cities of Spain. That is why we cannot wrap-up this post without giving you some more advice:

  • Define your objectives. You should know what kind of work you’re looking for, how often you are willing to travel, and for how much money. Also, you should only apply to positions that suit your personal profile. That will help you save a lot of time.
  • Write a strong resume. If you come across a wild animal, you want your spear to have a sharp point. That is the role of your resume.
  • Be patient. Looking for work takes a great effort. You will have to apply for many positions before being hired. That’s how things work, so don’t give in.
  • Look off-line. Have you heard about the six-degree theory? It explains why the person who can employ you might be closer than you think. Make sure everyone around you knows that you are in the search.
  • Stay healthy. Looking for a job shouldn’t become the center of your life. Go out, take walks, interact with other people. If you’re not feeling it, take it as an obligation. Your health is a priority.
  • Ask for referrals. If you have some work experience and have left a good impression on your former coworkers and employers, ask them for referrals. That will increase your possibilities of getting hired.
  • Get ready for the interview. Nailing down a work interview is just as important as writing a good resume. To achieve this goal, you have to be spontaneous and understand that it is just normal to feel nervous. Try to do some research on the company that is calling you.

If you follow these tips, you will be closer to getting your next student job in Madrid!

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About the author

Charlotte Koks
Charlotte Koks

Hey there! My name is Charlotte, and I'm working as an International Project Manager at GrowPro Experience. My goal is to help students all around the world to live the experiences of a lifetime 🙌🏽. I'm trying to inspire students by means of telling the story of former growers, showing what we are doing at each destination and writing about our cities and tips on our blogs. I got a big passion for adventures, doing sports in the park, learning new languages and seeing new places 🌏. That's one of the reasons why I studied European Studies and why I currently work for GrowPro, to expand my horizons. Hopefully, I can inspire you to do the same!

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