Studying in Valencia | Live in One of the Most Amazing Spanish Cities!

Studying in Valencia | Live in One of the Most Amazing Spanish Cities!

Charlotte Koks
Charlotte Koks

There is a city in Spain where you can enjoy the beach, a festive atmosphere, exquisite Spanish cuisine, and incredible architecture. If you want to live new adventures and widening your networking, you should consider studying in Valencia. Did you know that this place has a rich cultural heritage?

Not only was Valencia one of the first Roman cities (the word ‘Valencia’ means ‘bravery’), it was also Spain’s financial center during the 14th and 15th centuries and the first city in Spain that had a printing house.

On the other hand, Valencia is one of the cities in Spain that enjoy more than 200 sunny days per year. Before you run to pack your bags, find out the requirements you will need to travel to Valencia, the courses you will find in the city, and how to study and work at the same time. Let’s go to the capital of Turia, are you ready?

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Studying in Valencia

studying in Valencia

We know that you want to start your adventure once and for all. Before you board your flight, you should learn about the natural charm of living and studying in Valencia. Thus, we will let you know the best reasons why you should start the best journey of your life. Note down!

Discover the cuisine, the music, and the Mediterranean fashion

Of all the things you can do in Valencia, including going to lots of parties and spending time at the beach, there are quite a few you simply can’t miss. First and foremost, there is the Festin, a food and art festival that will awaken your senses. Are you ready to try some new foods while studying in Valencia?

Clec Fashion Festival opened in 2020 to celebrate the best of Valencian music and Mediterranean fashion. The event is s a visual banquet in every sense of the word. If you want to know more about the program, click here.

Study in Valencia to breathe fresh air

Valencia is one of the world’s green cities. Since 2018, the government has stated that the city has more than 30,000 trees. An interesting fact is that the city fosters seven preserved historical tree species, such as the Can Calet pine, as well as some varieties of palms.

Practice outdoor sports in Valencia

You can practice outdoor sports while studying in Valencia, and athletics is among the most popular. Do you like running? If you do, you may participate in the Valencia Marathon, which has been held for 40 years. Or, if you want some fun, take a look at the Holi Life, a colored flour race in the best Indian style.

If you are more into water sports, you can practice surf, kitesurf and snorkel on the beaches of Valencia. Now, if extreme sports are your thing, it is possible to practise rafting near the city. But if you enjoy quiet activities instead, you will find quite a few choices for yoga classes. The city offers activities for all tastes!

The weather in Valencia is ideal for adventurous souls

If the weather is one of the main reasons you want to travel to Spain, you will definitely love Valencia’s climate. In this city of golden beaches, winter goes by almost unnoticed, although January is the coldest month of the year.

As for the summer, it usually is intense but not overwhelming, thanks to the Mediterranean breeze. You will experience some rain, but nothing that impacts the vibrant atmosphere of the city. All these features make Valencia one of the best student destinations. We bet you already want to come and see, right?

Valencia is Spain’s new technological capital

Valencia has become the venue of several technologically focused events, such as the renowned Webit Festival Europe, which gathers some of the best technology startups. This event has been held in Valencia.

And that is the best part of this? That these gatherings make the economy more robust and create job opportunities. Actually, you will discover that some important technological companies, such as Telefónica, have offices in Valencia.

Requirements to Study in Valencia

Requirements to study in Spain

Once you know all the advantages of living and studying in Valencia, it is time to talk about what you will need to study in Spain. Take out your planner, get a screenshot or save this link. Having this information available will take you one step closer to making your dreams come true. Shall we start?

  • Valid passport. It has to be valid for the duration of the academic program you are taking. We recommend that your passport expires at least three months after your return to your home country.
  • Documentation certifying the reason for your trip. As you will be traveling as a student, you will be required to show an admission certificate of the program you’re interested in.
  • Apply for a visa to travel to Spain. Consider the purpose of your trip, your country of origin, and the time you plan to stay in the country. You will be asked to prove that you have permission to travel to Spain.
  • Financial statement that certifies you can cover your travel costs in Valencia. A tip is to have a bank statement that shows money transactions.
  • Round ticket to your country of origin. This is something most countries request to avoid illegal immigration.
  • Medical certificate: you must show that you are in good health.
  • Criminal check: several countries request it.
  • International Medical Insurance. Even if you are not ill, it is a lot better to make sure you will have medical care in case of an emergency, or maybe just for a routine check-up.

Courses you can Study in Valencia

courses you can take

The areas of interest of Spain’s Education System we’re approaching here are known as Initial Professional Training (vocational and technical education) and University education (undergraduate and graduate programs). You will learn what the differences between programs are about. Also, we will explain to you why they make Valencia one of the best Spanish destinations for students. Keep reading!

Initial Professional Training

The Initial Professional Training consists of short-term training cycles focused on developing skills and knowledge that will be crucial if you want to work in Spain. Are you worried about not having the skills to compete in the labor market? These are the type of academic programs that offer the solution you were waiting for. Keep reading to discover how they are classified:

Intensive courses (technical)

They last no longer than three months, during which you will specialize in a specific area of knowledge. One of the advantages of these programs is that you don’t need to have any previous knowledge. Also, the courses are split into theory and practice.

Vocational programs

The components of the vocational programs are similar to those of the intensive courses. The difference is that the vocational programs are longer, lasting between three and six months.

University education

To be able to access this educational level, you must have a secondary education certificate. In most cases, you also have to pass the University Entrance Exam (EVAU). Once you have met all the requirements, the next step is to enjoy the academic experience. Discover the three cycles you can have access to!


The most relevant aspect of these university programs is that they last around 4 years and consist of a minimum of 240 credits (ETC). What are the areas of study you can apply to? That depends on the courses each university offers. We suggest you check the academic programs of some local universities like the Universitat de València and the Universitat Politècnica de València.

Master degree

As opposed to undergraduate programs, the knowledge here is more advanced and specialized. Also, the credits these programs are comprised of ranges between 60 and 120, so the length of master programs is usually one or two years.


This academic cycle focuses on specialization and deep research. Doctoral programs usually take three to four years. However, their duration also depends on how long it takes you to submit your doctoral dissertation.

And what if I want to finish the program earlier? The minimum duration of a doctoral program is two years.


Steps to Follow for Studying in Valencia

studying in Valencia

Now that it’s clear what are the requirements for studying in Valencia are and the programs you have access to, it’s time to know the steps to follow to make that dream come true. Pay attention. We will explain you in detain what do need to do. Are you ready?

Choose the course in Valencia that meets what you need

We have already told you the courses you can have access to, now you only need to pick the one you like the most. Remember that by studying in Spain, and most especially in Valencia, you get a world-class education. According to a report conducted by BBVA Bank and the Valencian Institute of Economic Investigations (IVIE), the Polytechnic University of Valencia was ranked among Spain’s best universities of 2020.

Apply for a visa to travel to Spain

After selecting your academic program, the following step is finding the type of Spanish visa that suits your necessities. You will have to take into account the following aspects:

  • What is the duration of your course and for how long do you want to stay in Spain?
  • Are you just studying in Spain, or would you like to study and work (ideal)?
  • What is your nationality?

Having this in mind, you can choose the type of visa you will need to study in Spain. You still don’t know what is best for you? Don’t worry! We’ll tell you what they are all about and what their differences are.

  • Schengen Tourist Visa. This visa allows you to stay in the country for up to three months and enables you to study and travel around Spain. However, it does not allow you to work.
  • Student Visa. There are two types of student visas: short-term (up to six months) and long-term (more than six months). These visas allow you to study and work in Valencia
  • Non-lucrative visa. This type of visa enables you to study and live in Spain for up to one year, but it won’t allow you to work.

Pick a place to live and make a budget

Do you already know what the best neighborhood to live in Valencia is? In addition to your budget, keep in mind the style and quality of life the city can give you. If you like a more calm and familiar environment, Arrancapis or Benimaclet can work for you.

If you are a feast-oriented person, the Cabanyal area will be your ideal place to live. And there is also Ruzafa. If you are looking for something affordable, Isla Perdida is a place that some growers prefer. In any case, keep in mind the cost of living in Valencia.

For example, rent in an average area ranges between 470 and 700 €. In a trendy neighborhood, rents are from 700 to 1,000 €. Utilities with Internet cost around 150 -200 €, and for having a regular lunch, you may pay between 10 and 16 €. You may also contemplate entertainment expenses, but that will depend on your preferences. If you like red wine, you can get it in the supermarket for around 6 €.

Enjoy your journey in Valencia

After having everything planned and all requirements met, the last step, and perhaps the most important, is to enjoy your experience. Valencia is one of Europe’s most magical cities, with one of the best cultural and culinary offers.

Have you ever heard of the Fallas of Valencia? These festivities, which were declared UNESCO’s World Heritage in 2016, are the best expression of life in the city. Don’t miss them! These celebrations are held in mid-March and are simply spectacular.

Options to Study and Work in Valencia

study and work in Valencia

If you already have a student visa that allows you to work in Valencia, the rest will be very simple. Why? Having a work permit is the most crucial step to get a job. Once the Spanish government grants you a work permit, the next step is to start looking for a job offer.

Keep in mind that the visa has some limitations. For instance, you can only work part-time while studying in Valencia. Do you already know where you are applying and for what type of jobs? If your plan is working from home, you can start your search on Websites like Empléate or Indeed.

As for job openings, according to El Economista España, the positions related to telecom will be on the rise in 2021. They pay up to 40,000 € annually. Jobs in the field of IT pay up to 55,000 € annually. In marketing, you can make up to 50,000 € annually.

And even better, you can find remote-work positions in all these fields. Although it is really not the norm, some of these positions are cut out for students with basic skills.
Before you start looking for a job, make sure you have all your paperwork updated. This is because when you get a job in Spain, your employer may ask you the following documents:

  • Foreigner Identification Card (TIE), which will allow you to prove that you are legally in the country.
  • Foreign Citizen Identification Number (NIE), which will certify that you are a resident of Spain.
  • Affiliation to Spain’s Social Security System. You must certify that you have this document to sign any work contract.
  • A bank account to receive your paychecks.

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About the author

Charlotte Koks
Charlotte Koks

Hey there! My name is Charlotte, and I'm working as an International Project Manager at GrowPro Experience. My goal is to help students all around the world to live the experiences of a lifetime 🙌🏽. I'm trying to inspire students by means of telling the story of former growers, showing what we are doing at each destination and writing about our cities and tips on our blogs. I got a big passion for adventures, doing sports in the park, learning new languages and seeing new places 🌏. That's one of the reasons why I studied European Studies and why I currently work for GrowPro, to expand my horizons. Hopefully, I can inspire you to do the same!

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